
Kuvira took a deep breath, bringing herself to the starting platform. She reached her arms out before her, grasping the steel handle in her hands, feeling it, familiarizing herself with its design. The weight was good, nice and light, but it lack strength. She was certain it would break if it hit anything harder than ice. To prove her theory, she raised it about her head, bringing it down with all her force onto the rough concrete of the barracks floor. The metal folded into itself, leaving the spear crumpled like an aluminum can.

"The weight is good, but its weak. It will never puncture armor like a proper spear."

"Well thats what happens when-"

"Enough excuses, Bataar, make me a weapon that is worthy of being a weapon of Zaofu." Bataar sighed, nodding as he slunk back to his desk. Kuvira brushed off her hands, heading out of barracks and to the pristine streets of Zaofu. Class was in twenty minutes, and she had no intention of being late. Her graceful walk transcended into a jog as she made her way to the studio, waving at the various passer-by's. When the studio was in sight she saw the Matriach exit her personal car, and she called out to her.

"Hey Su!" She shouted, breaking into a run for the last 10 feet. Su stopped and waited for her, a grin on her face.

"Dont tire yourself before we even begin, Kuvira," she said as Kuvira held the door open for her.

"Me? Tire out, never." She matched her pace with the Matriarch's watching as Suyin kept her eyes trained forward.

"So," Kuvira started, "Baatar came to the barracks today-"

"He did? Why, what did he want?"

"Whoa, relax. He just had another prototype ready." Suyin relaxed, releasing a breath of relief.

"You mean Jr."

"Yeah, Bataar. You know Jr is kind of juvenile, he's grown out of it." Kuvira said, tossing Su a side eye.

"And what would you know about that?"

"Well I'm just saying, if I had a mom, and she kept calling me 'Jr.' I'd be tired of it by now. How am I supposed to grow and be my own person if I can't even use my own name?"

"What would you know about being grown?" Su asked, setting her bag on the bench.

"You tell me, whats different from a few years ago?" Kuvira stretched out her arms, purposely showcasing her arm muscles.

"Well...." Su started, looking the prodigy up and down, "for starters, you have this now" Su ran a finger over the beauty mark on her cheek. What started as a freckle had grown alongside Kuvira, she used to hate it, until one day Su said it made her stand out.

"And I guess you've... grown into yourself." Su finished with a blush.

"Oh do explain, I would love to hear more." Kuvira teased, pulling off her T-shirt and leaving herself in her sports bra.

"I wou- are you going to wear that?" Su asked with a slight gulp.

"Well yeah, truthfully, I forgot about practice, I just started running here, I forgot everything and if I wear this now I'll have nothing to wear on the run the back." Su looked at Kuvira, and then to the shirt she held in her left hand, her lips pursed in thought.

"Wear it, if you want, I can offer you a ride back to your apartment, if you'd like." Kuvira raised her eyebrows, an offer from the matriarch, today was her special day.

"Sure, that'd be great, thank you." Su nodded, leaving their intimate bubble of conversation to address the dancers. Kuvira slid her tee back on, watching as the matriarch directed the crowd. Suyin was no stranger to a loose fitting robe, but it seemed like today it was extra loose, and Kuvira was taking it in. The v-neckline dropped lower than usual, and the band tightening around her waist had Kuvira wonder what size it really was. Had her wondering just how many times she could wrap her arm around it. Her eyes darted to Suyin's arms which, despite the attempt at hiding it, had toned muscle to them. Not like Kuvira' which were large and defined, they were... gentle. Like they knew exactly how hard you could be choked before passing out. Okay, Kuvira, let's tone it down a notch. Think of things that bore you... pro bending, reading, Bataar.

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