XXXVII. Friction

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You gave me love within
the numbered days,
And I'm grateful


"I'm glad you take time to have dinner with us even you have an overtime," Jimin said. He made sure to prepare dinner that night and asked Taehyung to have dinner with them before having his overtime.

"I'm sorry for spending more time in the office lately. Clients are coming in almost every week." Taehyung appeared to be tired and wasn't eating well. Jimin noticed but refused to comment.

"Jin is with you, I hope he's a great help. Will he be spending overtime with you tonight?" Jimin tried to catch Taehyung's gaze but Taehyung did not lookup. He continued to play with the food with his fork.

"I guess for some hours," Taehyung responded before forcefully put a chunk of food in his mouth. "The food is delicious, by the way."

Jimin smiled. He wasn't sure if that was an honest compliment or a forced one just to make him happy. "Thank you. I hope my cooking tastes better than Jin's."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at his husband. He didn't know what Jimin meant but he was sure he didn't like it. "What are you saying? Don't compare yourself with Jin."

"I don't understand why he kept on bringing you food." Jimin countered.

"And who's giving you that information? Your best friend Namjoon?"

Ahni and Jiho looked at each other. Feeling the friction between their parents. Ahni cleared his throat trying to ease the tension. "Dad, I forgot to mention. I saw Uncle Hobi at my recital last week."

Jimin and Taehyung looked at Ahni. And it was Taehyung who spoke first. "You invited him?"

Ahni smiled and shook his head, "No. I thought you did.  But it's okay. Uncle Hoseok is very nice to me. I will invite him next time so he can sit in the front. Maybe he heard somewhere. My hair is nice looking now because of him and Uncle Jin. Look at the color, Uncle Jin chose this."

"Of course, Jin is very fashionable." Jiho buts in making Ahni frown. "Shut up! Jin will not like you. Speaking of Uncle Jin, I think his best friend is Uncle Hobi's boyfriend. I also saw him there."

Jimin's eyes were fixed on Ahni. He didn't know why his heart started to beat faster. He didn't even know why he was nervous. "Who's that friend?"

"Uncle Yoongi. The one who fetched Uncle Jin at the airport? Uncle Jin brought him to one of our shopping sprees. We ate lunch together." Ahni relayed proudly. Not noticing the panic laced in Jimin's eyes.

Taehyung chuckled hearing Ahni's story. "Oh! So Yoongi is the secret man Hoseok is dating. Kook and I were trying to find out. Thanks for informing me. Did he mention anything to you, Jimin?"

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