Chapter 83:- Dont Leave your Postion

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"There is... nothing outside."

"Of course there isn't, I created this place. It's my dimension."

Eiran moved his hand and the curtain disintegrated into hundreds of Unown. Ash stepped back in awe, his eyes etched their way on to Eiran, bewildered with amazement.

"Two of your friend stepped into one of my own... I had my fun with them." A chuckle escaped his lips. "Showed them some things... from the past... and the future."

"The what...?"

"Future," he swayed his hand again, the curtain was there once again, "I can see everything."

"H... how? It... it hasn't happened yet!"

"Oh, it has, just not in your timeline... there is a lot your mother doesn't know, boy. I'm... omnipotent. I've shown you a couple of things, I showed your grandfather and ever your father what would become of him... Poor Red, he was such a gifted man, unfortunately, his cards showed up too soon."

Ash gulped in fear of the man before him, if he even was a man.

"Why am I here?"

"To learn of course," Eiran walked towards Ash, "that's what you've been doing for the past few days, learning. Learning from the mistakes of your ancestors, so that you won't repeat them when the time comes again."

"Ancestors... you mean it wasn't my death that I was seeing?"

"Oh no, it was your father's."

Ash's heart shattered into a million pieces. He'd known at his father had been murdered, but he never wondered how. The insides of his body churned into a big maelstrom as the pain came flying back to him.

Every stabbing, piercing, and gunshot.

Ash stumbled backward at the thought of it.

"They sent fifty men to murder Red Raider," A sigh escaped his lips, "a shame."

"Why..." croaked Ash, "why would you show me that?"

"To learn from the mistakes, of course," Eiran smiled, "you've met the enemy, you've fought with him, and now, you can anticipate his moves and defeat him when the time comes... and it will come soon."

That was the first of many times he'd seen Eiran.

They met the very next night on the same battlefield with the same villain different type of death.

"Work harder, Ash Raider," Eiran said in the courtroom, "you have but a few weeks until you face that monster... you have to kill him."

Ash couldn't help but hesitate. "Kill him?"

"Well, it's the only solution, isn't it? A life for a life?"

"Yes but... he deserves to rot in jail, a death is a mercy for him."

A scoff escaped Eiran's lips and shook his head in dismay. "You're not tough yet," he said, "life hasn't kicked you around much, you have the softer point of judgment. If you're going to survive in this world... see it black and white."

"But, what if I don't want to?"

A laugh escaped Eiran's lips. "You're not going to be able to finish the Van Blacks with that kind of attitude son."

Ash couldn't help but blink more than once. "Finish what?"

"The Van Blacks," Eiran said, "they're all pests who deserved to die, every one of them."

Lost in their Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن