・゚: *✧・゚:* Chapter 15 - Damhsa na Nollaig (Pt.2)*:・゚✧*:・゚

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✧・゚: Chapter 14 - Christmas Dance (Part Two) *:・゚✧

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✧・゚: Chapter 14 - Christmas Dance (Part Two) *:・゚✧

23rd of December 1760

My arm was linked through Oliver's as we walked the same marble hallways George and I had walked earlier that day. The dimness of the dusk created an ambiance from the flickering lamps and candles, that you did not feel during the daytime.

Oliver's strides were long, and I struggled to keep up causing me to jog lightly beside him as my already abandoned heels dangled lightly from my left arm.

"I could have slowed down, save your energy for tonight." Oliver's steps slowed, allowing me to return to a normal walk as he chuckled at my hyperactive behaviour.

We soon turned a familiar corner, and walking down the familiar marble steps, I heard a familiar voice.

"Y/N!" I looked up from my feet, lifting my head to reveal George stood at the bottom of the steps in front of me.

The sound of chatter, and music emanated from the ballroom as the room that was previously empty now bustled with life.

I quickly dropped Oliver's arm at the sound of George's voice and ran down the steps, colliding with his chest. Wrapping my arms around George I sighed happily.

"George!" I exclaimed pulling back out of the short-lived hug, bouncing on the balls of my feet, energy radiating from me.

"You- You are very excitable this evening." George chuckled as I watched him make eye contact with Oliver who shrugged slightly, still standing at the top of the steps.

"I think she is nervous, your majesty." Oliver said slowly, chuckling as I turned around scoffing.

"I-I'm not nervous." I said laughing at Oliver, failing to feign offence.

George turned me around to face him as he cupped my chin lightly, his other hand resting on my waist.

"You will be fine; I'll be beside you the whole time." His voice had dropped back to a slightly serious tone as I nodded slightly. George took a step back from me and clapped his hands together.

"Right! How about you put your shoes on, and we go in?" He chuckled. I laughed as I put the green shoes down onto the floor and slid my feet into them, before linking my arm through his.

Oliver opened the two double doors revealing a bustling ballroom. Everyone turned to the Balcony we stood on as the music stopped and Seabury announced the arrival of the king. I waved slightly at Samuel who stood beside us, scroll in hand as he smiled and waved back.

George looked down at me as we stopped at the top of the steps, my eyes scanned across the faces of the people who stood below us in awe of the King.

My eyes met with George's as I nodded encouraging him on as we walked down the steps, arm in arm.

Once we reached the bottom the music began to play again, however the focus still remained on George.

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