Chapter 17

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Childhood memory
Rentaros p.o.v

Rentaro messed around childishly with the toys he shared with his little to no friends. he only had two friends, one of which barley spoke to Rentaro so he couldn't quite tell if they were friends or not. The toys weren't anything special, a couple toy cars with a building to use the cars in, the building made entirely from Lego, small pieces of thin wood were attached to the surfaces so the cars could function.

"Renta! Come on, that's not how you play!" Rentaros only real friend whined, smiling in the process, his friend could never truly be mad at Rentaro. "You're being silly!"

"Whoopsies!" He laughed. He didn't notice his mother nor father walk in from the meeting room they had occupied with plenty of other families and such. His mother stared down at him with cold eyes, the stare was harsh, Intimidating. It made him freeze, lowing his head in submission.

Right, there was no room for playing childish games in his life. The only thing that was said to be of use to him, was the education that prepared him to take over his parents company some day. In Rentaros life, Child like games were prohibited, every day was spent learning about the family business, studying, and learning proper formal family etiquette.

"Rentaro, What did I say?!" His mother growled, grabbing Rentaro hand tightly before dragging him out of his friends house forcefully. There would be no doubt that the grip the woman had on Rentaros wrist would bruise. "Playing childish games is meaningless, if youre so bored, go to a library and study!"

"That's all I ever do, mom!" Rentaro Retaliated. "All I ever do is learn and study! I have no friends apart from Him!"

"And just how is that my fault, Boy?" his mother shot back swiftly, sending him a glare that sent chills down his spine, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up in terror. How could his mother been so selfish? How could she not accept it was her fault, her son didn't have any friend because all he did was learn, He even had to learn how to ride a horse! Just because it was a higher class activity to do for amusement.

"Mother...please, don't be too hard on him?" His elder twin brother, Kaito, the only one who truly appreciated Rentaro, pleaded. "He's doing great in all of his lessons, and he always does his best!"

"Then perhaps he should try harder?" Their mother tutted, leading the two out of three triplet sons out of the building where the meeting took place. They all marched their way to the Family car which the driver, obviously, used to take the Aoki family to their destinations.

The three Aoki family members were late home due to traffic, which angered Rentaros mother a great deal more than she had previously been. Though something was amiss... Rentaro couldn't place his finger on what was wrong, but there was undeniably something wrong. The body guards and home security weren't stood at their usual posts, the front door was slightly ajar.

"Big brother... Somethings wrong," Rentaro mumbled quietly, tugging on his elder brothers sleeves. Though the three brothers were all along the age of thirteen, the eldest twin was far more mature than his age gave him credit for.

"Yeah, I know Ren, It's alright," Kaito hummed in recognition, patting his brothers head softly. "I'll protect you,"

Their mother didn't pay attention to their terror or fright, in fact, she didn't seem to notice anything, then again, she never did. She was to wrapped up in herself to notice to little details, or even the most obvious details. It left Kaito and Rentaro to take hesitant steps inside the Aoki Manor.

They both took off to go upstairs, while their mother entered the downstairs office. The two brothers made their way towards their fathers office, before freezing right in front of the open door, the sight horrified them.

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