Chapter 29

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Games room

"I said truth or dare!" Quinn huffed, huddled perfectly against Yuki's chest. While a rather disturbing and worrying situation was taking place behind the scenes, Quinn and the twins had unknowingly got so close they seemed like a couple and although it wasn't official, they didn't see a problem with how they were acting with eachother.

Meanwhile, after a short but meaningful conversation, Akashi and Kenji both finished with the same conclusion. They wanted to have an evening where they and their friends hung out and let off some steam. The stress was rising in the Academy, and the distress highetened to a desperately troubling point when Yuki had an ability malfunction. No one was safe, whether the government finally captured the Satos, or the mental health of all the students decreased and therefore their abilities and powers began to take control of them - Slowly at first but then with ease. Safety was nothing permanent for the RavenWood staff and students.

"Keep me out of it," Solas stuck his tongue out. He was snuggled up to a large pillow next to Ruki, he stayed by the blonde's side always and never left unless he deemed it to be safe enough. He was like a loyal guard dog, the hairs on the back of his neck stood upright like hedgehog spikes and never smoothed over, he was always alert.

"I said," Quinn growled "Truth or dare!"

"Dare!" The golden orbs that belonged to Solas rolled, the action made Quinn click his tongue in disappointment. While Ruki was just frustrated with Solas, Quinn enjoyed testing the hybrid. Dare or truth? Chicken or savage? Wild or tame? Quinn wanted to know how far Solas would let him go.

"I dare you to Kiss Ruki-"

In an instant, Ruki held his hand up and shook his head vigorously, "I don't agree with this," he stated. However, Quinn didn't care much - and Solas wasn't going to turn down the challenge. "I said No!"

Solas turned to his side and leaned over the blonde, whispering into his ear softly. "It'll be quick," He assured half-heartedly. Of course, he knew why he was assigned to be Rukis guard in the first place, horrible misdeeds of a sexual nature. If he was going to go through with the dare he had to make it quick, gentle, and he had to hold back. He didn't want to constrict the blonde who may want to backup at any moment. Solas didn't want to Alarm Ruki however, he certainly didn't want to refuse the dare.

"No, you won't," The demon averted his eyes. He was uncomfortable and his heart was beginning to palpitate, his chest hurting and hands trembling. The usually dorky boy who was bright like the sun and had jokes that made everyone laugh looked pitiable, someone to feel sorry for. But everyone knew Ruki, aside from his traumas, was not weak. He was independent but even the most independent people need a little help every now and again. "That's what He said,"

"I'm not him, I'm Solas Archer and I'm here to look after you, midget," he commented, pecking Rukis lips with a certain tenderness that was rare for anyone to see Solas use in any situation. With both of the student's minds racing a mile a second, Solas backed himself up and sat casually in his previous position where the pillow was squished securely.

Thank god, no extra work, he thought to himself. Wrong assumptions aside, Solas didn't hate Ruki, he didn't Hate guarding or looking after Rukis mental health either. Simply put, he was never the best at dealing with emotions and comforting people. Even while he helped other weaker people from power abusers, he never knew quite how to comfort them. He saved them, and left.

"Sousuke, Kenji, have a drink for once in your life," Yuki whined, rocking back and forth with Quinn still sat on his lap. He went on to demand a request that seemed unusual to the pair of leaders. "This may be your only time to chill out completely, and before you ask, Shouta and a few newly hired staff people are on patrol around the academy, let off your steam and have a little fun!"

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