Chapter 38

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It'd started. The heated battles between the armed, government hired men from the order versus the limited experienced students of Ravenwood who only wished to live in peace but couldn't due to discrimination and the terror the human race felt at even the slightest glance at an inhuman being.

In the distance was the loud pops of gunfire, shots being fired by pistols and the order even went to the extent of machine guns. Their impacting booms echoed throughout the academy, sending horrified shivers down the leaders back. The heavy fire was a warning, a message; back down or die. It wasn't even the main act and the leaders were about to be pulverized on the Palm of the hands of the order, the main act was the arrival of their new experiment, all tests sufficiently passed and general officials had the thumbs up to send in the new weapon.

No, Akashi wouldn't let it all end. He recalled the words he promised to his friends, he remembered the motivational-ish speech he gave them which was a rant to reassure himself in the end, he would be the pillar of hope, he would be the foundation Shouta had trusted him to be. He made it his duty to be the one to stand up and shield his friends even if his blood was all lost and bones were shattered, he was a shield.

"This isn't good!" Yuki screeched, landing a final blow to an averagely skilled, hired soldier - the solders gun was stolen by Yuki who viciously bashed it against the man's head. The sickening crack of the man's broken nose rang in the air, mixed among the many other deafening audios. The experience was surreal. While Solas and Landon were enjoying every last second of the fight with their nerves cackling in excitement and Takeshi who kept reminding himself to stay clear of any fatal injuries as he was filling up the role of their leader on the battlefield, the other students struggled. Their hearts pounded, unable to think straight. The hype of the fight had influenced them, yet they still felt nervous and uneasy.

The once luscious and peace ridden garden entrance of the Academy was destroyed. Green grass turned up and soggy in squelching mud, the bright flowers with scents that were fresh and simply delightful to take in were stomped on and disregarded, they resembled the students and how their purity was being crushed, how they were slowly and gradually losing hope. The proud pebble road leading to the front of Ravenwood was scattered, Stones mixed with the mud and disgustingly crushed grass. The entrance was no longer something that invited you to an academy full of life, it had turned into the gates of hell.

An echoing of a low grumbling vehicle scared Akashi more than he expected. Against the students' limited knowledge and practical experience in fighting battles, the Orders soldiers were far more experienced, back up wasn't necessary if Akashi thought about its but the order truly wanted to dispose of them. The vehicle crawled through the gates, shining in pride. And suddenly, the fighting stopped. The neatly polished car without a single scratch, built to perfection halted in the middle of the battlefield. Hesitantly, the leaders regrouped.

"Our main act has arrived," Landon grinned, his toothy grin said everything anyone needed to know. The boy was enjoying letting the part of himself that he locked away for so long, free. Solas followed closely in his friends' footsteps. The pair's hands shook, ecstatic, they haven't felt the rush of being in a life or death fight in years and getting back into it despite being rusty was more than comforting to them. They were in their element. "Fashionably late, how tacky!"

A small group of people emerged from the car, Akashi remembered the faces clearly. Shepherd and Yua - his mother who he refused to acknowledge - Nikita Kai and the one person he longed to see, Shouta. Shepherd and Yua acted proud and mighty, like Lions, but could it be that a flock of Eagles would be the ones to take down the large carnivorous animal? Shouta looked disoriented, he was dressed normally, but Akashi and Takeshi knew that under the clothing was scars and wounds from sizes small and large, Other stitches and black and blue bruises were also guessed to stain the Devils flesh.

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