Chapter 2

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"Sure..." Akashi sounded unsure but he realised quickly that if it wasn't Ruki he would've had no idea what was going on, and The energetic male had cleaned his smaller wound and comforted him, something no one did apart from his mother. Akashi frowned at not seeing his mother, but maybe he would get the chance to in the future. "Friends" Akashi confirmed.

'At least we both get something out of this friendship'

"Awesome! We're gonna have so much fun, I can't wait!" Ruki cheered, leaning back on the chair at a dangerous angle, and shoving his arms up in the air. His reaction made Akashi chuckle a little, but being determined to stay on his guard, he covered his mouth, not wanting his new friend to see.

"So.. Uhm... How do things work here?" Akashi asked honestly if he was going to stay at the school he needed to know how things worked, otherwise it would be like walking into a fight with no fighting experience what-so-ever. Akashi wanted to be as prepared as possible, he didn't want to do something or mess with someone and be haunted by it after.

"Well. There are four dorms, this college facility is meant for only demons, Shapeshifters, Vampires, werewolves, among them are also unspecified." He stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and black inked pen, drawing down the four categories "The Four species and the exceptions each have a dorm made for them and what they need daily. Take demons, for example, they're unpredictable and hotheaded, so furniture and walls are reinforced." he wrote four names below the previous four things he wrote down.

Akashi read each word silently, the vampires' dorm was named Summer, The Shapeshifters dorm was named Spring, The Demons dorm Was named Autumn and the Werewolves dorm was named Winter. Akashi decided he liked how they never used complicated dorm names and stuck to something simple and easy to remember.

"As I'm sure you realised, they kept to the seasons because they're simple. Despite being a college and supervising facility, the students get to do pretty much what they want as long as they stick to the very few guidelines, which are as stated, One is that killing is absolute prohibited, Two, is that we have to stick inside the perimeter of the facility otherwise our freedom might be lost forever. Three is that we have to go to daily checkups to keep an eye on our physical, mental and emotional health due to some of our abilities being affected by them, Four is that the leader of each dorm, usually they're the strongest within the dorm, has to have meetings with the principle daily so they can address any problems and so on. And finally, Five, if you have any problems you have to speak to the dorm leader rather than the teachers."

"Woah... Wait, so rule number one... If they have to have that rule than the threats here must be serious!" Akashi furrowed his eyebrows and played with the sleeves of his hoodie, visibly uncomfortable. He couldn't help but wonder if things were that serious enough to even include that rule. Then again, four dangerous species and then the savage unspecified creatures... Akashi began to understand truly how much trouble he was in.

"Your case is special, they think you're a demon but have further tests to run so they know for definite, either way, your little chain show they were talking about left a big impression! And you can be considered one of the strongest here after all" Ruki patted Akashis head softly, occasionally ruffling his already messy hair, despite Akashi not wanting his hair to be turned into a birds nest he leaned Into Rukis hand subconsciously. "Ah, so you're the type that likes affection!"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Akashi huffed out, pouting. He crossed his arms in a small child's tantrum and gave Ruki the impression that he truly did not know what the blonde was talking about, but Ruki knew better. Ruki could already read Akashi like a book - Though understanding Akashi was fairly easy since Akashi liked to think of himself as a simple person, as much as he liked to think that, he knew deep down it just wasn't true.

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