Chapter 41

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In the distance, a red flower Peeped through the muddy field. Commonly called a Gladiolus, The colour represented passion and strength. The flower was named after Roman gladiators who fraught for their freedom. It was symbolic considering supernatural were fighting for their freedom constantly, and RavenWood was fighting for their own freedom and the freedom of the King and the Prince.

Takeshi and Landon hurried through the battlefield, avoiding bullets and bombs as they hauled Shoutas almost dead body and Sousukes dead body to the safety of the underground tunnels where Nikita was with Akira. It was an order from Akashi and he wouldn't refuse because Akashi seemed to be in an aggravated state of mind. Solas had truly infuriated him.

Meanwhile, Akashi stayed active in the battle, slaying mortal after mortal in the most gruesome ways. The Akashi that Takeshi knew almost several hours earlier would've granted them a merciful death but Akashi was no longer lenient. The Prince slit throats, choked them to death, shot bullets into the brain through the mouth, used his chains to pierce their lungs and main organs, broke bones and the person who couldn't move due to several snaps in their arm bones and leg bones was left to drown in the watery mud.

Until finally he reached the main forces of specialised warriors that protected Yua and Shepherd, the worst scoundrels of them all. Solas who was lagging behind by a slight second finally caught up with the raging Prince. No one could stop him. Solas, even with his power level, never dared to interfere with Akashis Wrath. Landon once told him about Takeshis anger before he found Akashi, Solas took a wildly accurate guess; Akashis anger was more than just the feeling, more than the nerves. It was rooted somewhere from deeper within.

"Shepherd!!" He demanded, voice echoing through the atmosphere and shaking what was left of the trees. Shepherds attention was undoubtedly drawn towards Akashi whose chains were running wild, still stalking his enemies and catching them off guard while they were distracted. Akashi did not need to pay attention to his surroundings, his chains had a mind of their own and would protect him from even the most skilled fighters. "I'll kill you," he promised.

Solas only nodded, sweat running down his face, "He will,"

"Akashi... Sato... I'm surprised your father hasn't killed you and your friends yet," He sneered with a scowl on his face. His aura leaked rage, nothing compared To Akashis who radiated from him.

"My father would never willingly hurt me, you should've known better!" He shot back, his chain slithering back to the floor beneath him, done killing all of the enemies within a certain distance from him. The dark abyss materialised into a chain, it snapped and roared, anticipating the death they'd be volunteered to take part in. Akashi trusted his other friends to take care of the rest of the infestation that festered, spread out in crowds and groups because they were too weak to go one on one.

Shepherd only glared at Akashi, knowing he was proven wrong. Shouta, no matter what was adjusted in his body, would always fight back however he could.  He refused to hurt his son, and that refusal sunk deep into his body and soul, it was a subconscious demand he trained his own body to obey.

"You'll die," Solas repeated. Arms crossed over his chest as he relaxed, leaving the current nuisances to Akashi. He concluded he had no reason to get involved, he acknowledged the fact that Akashi was strong. He shouldn't have underestimated him in the first place, that was something he'd have to learn not to do. In the end, he thought about how he wasn't even needed in the academy, he was there to protect Ruki but Ruki was secure with Akashi around. Ruki... God how much he yearned to be by his side.

"And how sure of that, are you?"

"I've never spoken a lie to my enemies," He replied, gazing straight into the eyes of Shepherd whose fists tightened and veins popped out from his forehead giving Akashi and Solas an idea of how frustrated and irritated Shepherd was growing. Just a little more, push him, force him to charge with no plan. Allow him to run straight into his death. The chains rattled, they were the symbol of their masters' excitement and anticipation.

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