Chapter 27

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Interrogation <Unknown>
[13th January, 12:30]
No ones P. O. V

"Sit down please Abi," Akira smiled fakely. He wanted to try to lure the assistant into a false sense of security, to spill everything she may have been hiding. Secrets; Akira hated them. One of the most dangerous things, they could completely shatter trust, and manipulate others. Another thing Akira hated was false promises.

The room was decorated like any other meeting room, with multiple chairs with a circular table that had a shiny varnish finish. Paintings and pictures on the wall, a smaller window due to the fact it the 'meeting room' title was just to fool everyone. However, it truly was an Interrogation room. A lock on the door which the headmaster alone could lock and unlock, only Akira had the ability and the resources to open the lock, as per precautions in the book said.

"Takeshi, Landon, you too," Akira sighed, helping himself to the head chair. The two students whose bodies were stiff in anticipation did as they were asked obediently. They knew just how wrong the Interrogation could go, the nightmares which could come true, all they could do is meaninglessly hope.

Takeshi sat in a place that could've been considered his usual seat when he had meetings with the other leaders and the headmaster. His right leg was sharply folded over his left while he leant back into the chair. He didn't want to do anything that could raise an alarm for Abi, so he sat casually, forcing himself to relax.

Landon, being on high alert, stood behind Takeshis chair proudly like an advisor. His legs were crossed while his left hand rested on the back of the chair which was layered with a dark purple soft velvet material. He swallowed nervously, the Interrogation and how they handled it would decide everything.

"Abi," Akira started anxiously, he glanced at Takeshi once, Takeshi nodded his head subtly in return. It was beginning.

"Yes Sir?" She smiled. Her naturally black hair which was clearly well looked after was tied in two messy buns and her face fake face of unnatural beauty, defined by overly used makeup gave the three a clear idea of what she was like, an everyday young adult who thinks the world is on their side and that they're untouchable. Of course, this wasn't true for everyone who wore makeup in large amounts, it was the eyes that told Landon everything. The eyes were said to be the doorway to the soul.

"See, Landon went double-checking through my files. And he noticed something, something small but rather worrying. It's just that - Abi, there's no such person in existence with your name. I wish I checked thoroughly before I employed you but now I know the truth. How dare you devieve me!" Akira scolded harshly, glaring at the assistant in hatred. Hatred for himself for allowing her to slip last him, and hatred for her. Wondering what she wanted, why did she hide her identity, what was her goal? He was more than simply frustrated.

"What?" She blinked, looking at Landon before glancing back at Akira. "I don't understand what you're saying, sir."

"No! You dare lie to me?" Akira started to rage, he bit his lip roughly forcing a small wound to open and leak blood past the raw flesh. His fury heightened, climbing beyond his own expectations. "You are fooling no one, Scarlet!"

"Do you have any proof?" She leaned back into her chair with uninterested eyes. She was acting calm and safely weighing her options in her mind. Landon just laughed bitterly to himself.

I won't let you get away. You got past me once but never again.

"The grades you got in Highschool were no where near enough to successfully apply to such a luxury college, and there's no mention of a scholarship or exceptions to their strict requirements. Your appearance doesn't match your age you wrote down on the application but I suppose looks can be deceiving, can't they? And let's just mention that someone on a governing body confirmed there is no such person in this world called 'Abi Sora'," Akira shook his head, he didn't know what to say. It didn't matter what evidence he pointed out, in the end, she would always deny any involvement with sinister plans, people and organisations.

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