Chapter 43 [Final]

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"Afternoon Haru! If you need any help just give us a call," A random vamp called with a large smile on his face while Haruka and his friends passed them in the hallway. The leaders were heading to lunch, rounding all of the students into the food hall to assure they would have access to food. The vampires especially, since they were running low on blood and Haruka wanted to make the younger and smaller vampires priority. There were no complaints.

The food hall was crowded, all students getting along, even the violent students managed to get along with the others, and the others tolerated them as a result. The hall smelled of Fries with extra salt and vinegar, and many different sorts of pizza, there was a pasta option too. Akashi couldn't resist getting some Pizza for him and Takeshi to share. The two sat next to each other, shoulder to shoulder on the bench they usually sat at.

Yukio, after worrying so much, decided to go around and check on all of his 'pups' in case they had any worries or they needed help. Meanwhile, back at the table, Yukios twin - Yuki with Quinn and Ruki, were all having a fry fight, throwing fries at each other and wasting the food. As long as they were having fun, no one complained. Solas and Landon, with few words exchanged, insisted on watching videos on their Ipads, Laughing at the stupidity in the video. Akashi spotted them watching snowboarding at one point.

"Snowboarding eh?" He wondered.

Solas nodded, nudging Landons side. "He used to snowboard,"

"I miss the snow, I'm wondering If I'll be able to go back to Canada one day and participate in a competition or something, could be a summer 'va-cay' or something - for those who want to go that is," Landon hummed thoughtfully. Akashi thought about it for a moment, sparing a glance towards Takeshi who nodded his head - indicating he thought about it and he didn't see why it wasn't an option they could at least think about.

"We'll mention it to Akira, Don't see why not though," Akashi patted Landon on the shoulder, nudging a plate of Landons favourite pasta towards them, "We'll see what we can do, Until then, eat, you disobedient bastards,"



"Honey Bear, Are you going through the dorms with Takeshi tonight - to make sure everything's in order?" Haruka asked once he finally returned with a glass of blood in his hands, A dribble of red dripped down his chin but he caught it just in time, not wanting to waste the glass since it was the only glass he could get.

"Haruka you work too hard," Kenji snorted, "Sit down and take a breather, They'll be fine,"

"It won't be necessary to go through the demons dorms tonight, they've surprisingly got their act together," Takeshi helped himself to the last piece of pizza on the plate, Akashi slapped the back of his head in a protest. Takeshi shook his head and halved the small slice, "Sorry, here,"

"Takeshi! One of the Wolves collapsed, what should we do?" A stronger demon asked, patting his leader's shoulder. There was a small crowd at the other end of the food hall where a runt wolf had collapsed with no one knowing what to do. Yuki and Yukio rushed to the crowd, asking people to stand back as they checked on the smaller wolf. Takeshi shot up and joined the twin leaders, Asking Akashi to stay behind in case another incident happened.

"Aren't they so good to everyone?" Akashi sighed, eating the halved slive of pizza greedily, "They're so helpful now,"

"Lucky, the shifters are having trouble keeping up-"

"As expected with everything that happened, they'll get used to it," Landon explained, sharing the link of the snowboarding video to another group of students who just happened to glance and have their curiosity peaked. Akashi slid his empty glass to Landon who dug his nail into his wrist, digging out some flesh, filling the glass with his blood. Haruka drooled at the fresh blood and immediately downed the glass as soon as it was passed to him. He licked his lips softly and stared at Landon expectantly who happily filled the glass back up. "That's enough, Precious,"

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