Chapter 36

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"What happened?!" Haruka choked, spluttering as he hunched over, hands supporting his upper body by resting on his bent knees. The vampire was worried hearing that his friend, the vampire leader, was hospitalised. Not by a flesh wound or physical injury, but due to a disease. He was mortified, distressed. The boys heart hammered against his chest.

Quinn was sat, staring at his friend who was laid in the hospital bed in a separate room, they weren't allowed to be beside him due to a worry of the problem that Sousuke had being contagious. Unfortunately, Akiras hunches were right. Truth be told, he felt somewhat responsible, he was looking or supposed to be looking after Sousuke. The werewolf swallowed down his worry and looked at the floor while his eyes seemed to vibrate or shake, explaining what had happened. "He collapsed yesterday after training, I put him to bed thinking he was just tired but he broke out into a fever overnight,"

"Coughing, Fever, Sweating, and assuming by his alarmingly slim and tiny body, a loss of appetite, numbness in his limbs... What do you think Landon?" Narrowing his eyes at Landon, Takeshi expected an honest and truthful answer. Takeshi had his arms crossed, his leg bounced as a result of his unease, and his face had lost its usual pink tint. Landon squinted his eyes while looking at Sousuke who was struggling in the hospital bed, the doctors were doing their best to help Sousuke recover, but they refused to tell the students what the cause was.

"Ability imbalance," he answered surely, there wasn't a moments of hesitation in his reply. His tone was definite and final, made complete with a nod of his head. It made sense, Sousuke hadn't used his abilities or power that often and his body was unusually fragile for a supernaturals body - especially considering he had powers in the first place. Usually a supernaturals physical body automatically adjusted to their power as it developed over time. In Sousukes case, his body didn't do that or it wasn't able to, so his powers became too strong for his body to handle, there was a battle going on in Sousukes body, between flesh, bone and blood versus the abilities of his vampire side. "It has to be,"

The leaders and Sousuke's friends all paled, eyes widened in panic and regret. All of their thoughts were the same - 'we should've known' 'he hid it so well' 'why didn't we notice?'. Though four of them were defiant, they couldn't believe it and they refused to. Quinn shook his head in disbelief, Akashi let out a breathy laugh as if wanting to think it was an elaborate hoax, Haruka started to scratch at the back of his head while picking at the skin on his scalp and Ruki stood silently with his eyes emotionlessly gazing at his suffering friend.

"No!" Akashi chuckled, he would never believe yet another one of his friends would leave him. His face was twisted with multiple emotions; aggression, sorrow, frustration. His body grew weak, his legs automatically stepped back to lean against the cold brick wall to support himself. He wasn't ready, mind overwhelmed. Not again. His body was in self destruct mode, mind in utter turmoil. "You know Landon I knew you were sadistic but that's not something to joke about!"

"Darling, I know how you feel. We all do-"

"Takeshi! Nows, not the time to play along, tell your dog that it's not funny alright?" The Prince's mouth curved into a deceiving smile. Anyone could tell that Akashi felt tormented, his hand covered his forehead in some effort to ease the growing migraine. He wasn't ready. Shouta and then Sousuke, was it bad luck?

"Pumpkin, come here," Akashi's sweetheart beckoned him but Akashi never attempted to move. Takeshi knew how much Akashi was hurting, so he simply launched himself towards his sweetness and pulled him into a secure embrace, wrapping one of his arms around Akashi's head. He placed a kiss on the redheads' temple and then proceeded to rub comforting circles on Akashis back. "We'll be alright, don't look,"

"Yukio, please tell me it's not?" Quinn begged, tears rimming his delicate place blue eyes.

"I apologise, pup, there's no other explanation," and with the horrible news, Yuki embraced Quinn and hid the smaller wolf's face in his chest. Meanwhile, Solas placed a gentle hand onto Rukis shoulder, Ruki was still staring at Sousukes figure, treacherous strains of coughs came from the boys' lungs, occasionally small pools of blood would stain the white bedsheets.

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