Chapter 30

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"This is a Head Master emergency E.I.I.A  everyone! All students should proceed to their appropriate dorm buildings immediately. Head to your dorms with your roommates and do not lag behind! I repeat, this is an E.I.I.A!" The speakers spoke to the students with full volume. The sound echoed through the hallways and reached every part of the Academy dorm buildings, main school buildings, the staff buildings and gym arenas.

Without a moment of hesitation, all students rushed through the halls in an orderly fashion. They had practised for any emergency whether it was a fire, an enemy or some kind of student ability malfunction and surprisingly even the most delinquent students listened. Well, it was an emergency after all.

"An E.I.I. announcement? That's rare..." Ruki told Solas who only recently joined the academy and had no clue about what to do during emergencies. Akashi watched as Takeshis eyes narrowed at the speaker in the library they were all in and Landon became stiff in sudden alarm.

"E.I.I.A?" Solas repeated from the announcement in wonder, He was sat with his back leant against the side of the couch that Ruki was comfortably sat on. Ruki gave him a nervous glance and grabbed the two books he decided to borrow from the library.

"It's basically a shorter way of saying 'Enemy intruder incoming', we've only ever had one of these emergencies before this one..." Ruki happily explained as he swiftly stood up and followed Akashi, Takeshi and Landon through the hallway. "Usually the Dorm leaders, The headmaster, and the top Academy guards meet up in the entrance of the Academy so if a fight were to happen they could keep the academy building damage and student injuries to a minimum,"

"Akashi are you coming with us?" Landon asked the redheaded Prince, already knowing his answer.

Akashi replied with a determined huff, "Of course!"

"Solas, although your parents will be with the leaders and Akira, we need you to stay with Ruki," Landon told Solas as he hurried in front of the other four friends. His eyes showed a blazing desire to protect his friends even if he didn't want to admit it with words.

"But Shouta-"

"I know what Shouta said, but Shouta will be there as well as me and Takeshi, we'll keep an eye on Akashi while you do your duty, yeah?" he blinked and dodged a student who was carelessly running through the hallway in fear of being the one student that would cause a large number of problems for Akira. Takeshi motioned for Akashi to follow him while Solas nodded and grabbed Rukis hand tightly, pulling him through the busy crowd of students to head towards the Demons dorm.

"Takeshi!" Sousuke called with Yuki and Yukio following his trail, assuring worried students who passed by them that they would deal with the problem. "What's going on, do you know?"

"We have an idea, but we're not entirely sure," Landon answered instead of Takeshi who was busy leading them through the deafening noise. They could barely hear themselves think. "Let's just head to the Entrance and meet Akira with Shouta and the Archers family,"

"Right, We'll follow you," Sosuke turned his head to Yukio who couldn't help but assist his fellow wolves he liked to call his pups. "Yukio, come on - the students can handle themselves I promise,"

With dread in his steps he followed behind Sousuke, Yukio bit his lip anxiously and nodded in reply. "Alright,"

It didn't take them long to sprint through the maze of halls, recruiting Kenji on the way. All of the leaders; Sousuke of the Vampires, Yuki and Yukio of the Werewolves, Kenji of the Shapeshifters and Takeshi of the Demons, headed towards the entrance. They pushed themselves through multiple doors and through many groups of students who were calmly but swiftly approaching and entering their buildings.

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