Chapter 11

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Rentaro let out a satisfied breath and unzipped the zip of his skinny jeans effortlessly, some stress needed to be relieved. "Suck" he demanded. His dominance was empowering, no one in their right mind would deny him.


"Suck, Yamamoto"


RavenWood Academy -
Autumn building <DORM 037>
[12th August 07:47]
Rukis P. O. V

<14 Years Old>

An innocent boy, no older than fourteen sat in the corner of the food hall, alone, just him and his thoughts. He had just been sent To Ravenwood Academy, the best school for Demons like him. It was alright - besides the fact it was a fair deal harder to make friends than in an ordinary school.

People chatted idly while others had food fights with their friends. A table reserved for the dorm leaders had only four males sitting with their backs straight, eating while using proper and more formal etiquette, not a word was spoken while they ate. That's unsurprising, they are leaders after all.

"Hey there! Mind if take this spot?" A raven haired male boy asked; he was the same age as Ruki. Residing in his eyes, was not a single glimpse of ill intent. Rather, the boy looked at Ruki with nothing but pure interest.

"Uh, sure" The blonde replied, blowing a long strand of his hair away from his forehead, he'd been told many times before, that his hair was abnormally long, he meant to cut it eventually he just never got around to it.

"Awesome, Let's be friends, My names Rentaro! Yours?"

"I'm Ruki...nice to meet you Rentaro"

"Yeah, same here, I have a feeling we're gonna be the best of friends!" The child opposite Ruki cheered with a large grin on his face, it reached from ear to ear. As much as it sounded creepy, it was quite wholesome. Ruki stared at the smile intently, it almost made him melt inside. How was ones' smile able to muster up a crowd of butterflies in his stomach?


RavenWood Academy -
Conference Room <1>
[12th August 10:15]
Takeshis P. O. V

"This is a drag" Landon complained, grunting and whining for almost the sixty - Fifth time, Takeshi was curious to just how many times his second in command would complain per day, and so far, he'd been more surprised than ever. He thought Landon's whining was always at the minimum, everyone else seemed to say otherwise.

"Landon, just how many times are you going to complain today? It's a simple meeting, all you have to do it sit down and let me do the talking" Takashi let out a sigh, as he rubbed his temples softly. he could sense a headache approaching and it really wasn't the best time. In fact, it was the worst time!

"Shi-Shi, you don't understand" Landon huffed, crossing his arms as he trailed closely behind his chief.

"Just think of how much you'll be helping Haruka out. He doesn't have that much power in the Academy and he needs your help to make things right around here. You're the only one capable of neutralising his worries behind the scenes, " the Demon leader specifically used 'neutralising' to make it sound like some sort of Hype battle strategy game, Landon would be instantly eager to do his part.

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