Vaggie x Depressed! Angel's Brother! Reader

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Requested by cartoonstxrys

Ah, as always, I apologize for my lack of updates, yet to be honest I've also been out of Hazbin for quite some time, I hope my stories are like before though!

Also did you know that Vaggie's actual name is Vagatha and that she's actually Charlie's girlfriend? Maybe I just don't know, because of my loss of interest but please do tell me, if you want that is of course.

Hope you enjoy!

Warnings: contains depressive thoughts,    mentions of death and people who are rather easily sensitive or depressed perhaps shouldn't read it. Depression is not to be taken light, so if you are then know that people are there for you. Noone will judge you for it.

(y/n) = your name
(e/c) = eye colour
(f/d) = favourite drink

3rd pov.

Hearing light footsteps, Vaggie placed her cup of water down on the dining table. With a yawn, a worn out looking (y/n) stepped in the room, surprising the female.

»(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Wasn't you hanging around with your brother and his friend?« He walked to the counter and made himself something to drink, (f/d) as Vaggie recognized it.

»I was but it was getting rather boring and I was feeling tired anyways.« He mumbled, taking a sip from his drink. Only now did Vaggie notice the dark circles under his dull looking, (e/c) eyes.

»You look pretty exhausted! Is everything alright?« She already went to stand up and help him, if he would feel to exhausted to keep standing but he was already walking away with his cup. »Yes, yes, just a bit tired. I just need to get some sleep.«
Vaggie looked after him as he dissappeared, with worry clear on her face.


Silence hasn't always felt so heavy around him, in his room. Usually it would be nice to relax and have a peaceful moment for himself, but since a few days it felt like the silence is screaming right at him.

It is almost as heavy as the constant stress and sadness (y/n) feels. The stress and sadness that lately overwhelms him when he is thinking about his current situation.

If only he would have been a bit more responsible in his life, he wouldn't be where he is now. He and his brother could still be alive, away from Valentino, away from this toxic environment.

But yet, he wasn't.

He wasn't the son his parents wanted him to be and he wasn't the brother Anthony needed. And now they're both dead.

Did he really have the chance to save Anthony from his self-distructive ways? Save him from the drugs and alcohol that was already running through his veins?

The male flinched as he felt something wet dropping on his hands. Not even noticing the heavy tears that left his tired, (e/c) eyes, his thoughts drove away from reality, where sorrow and regret would plague him and torture his already broken mind.

Oh, how he wished to stop, stop the poisonous thoughts from corrupting his once pure soul even more.

(Y/n) covered his mouth, that let violent sobs escape, with his hand, trying to silence himself. But every mournful sob, every silent cry for help was heard by a certain female, standing right behind the closed door.

She didn't mean to eavesdrop, neither to listen to something she shouldn't, she simply wanted to check, if her good friend was truly alright. By the sounds she was hearing, he didn't seem alright, not even close.

Deciding she should confront him about his despair, she opened the door and found him like she hoped not to. Her friend, someone she was fond of, someone she deeply loved and admired was lying all broken down on his bed.

Slightly glowing, because of the dark and tears, (e/c) eyes opened full of shock at the sudden noise and immediately found the cause. »(Y/n)...?« Uncertain filling her voice, as she slowly stepped towards the crouched demon .

Her heart shattering at the quiet sounds he made and was happy not to have to see the face of her secretly beloved one. She knew that, if any light would be in the room, the face she'd see would be her own downfall.

A face with puffy, red eyes, eyes that she usually would secretly love to stare at, a face she usually would love to caress with her own hands. The face that has big tears of bottled up emotions running down where they would drop and meet the bedsheets.

»What is wrong?« Her voice almost creaked at her own upcoming sadness for him that's threatening to choke her. Or perhaps it was the lump that was forming in her throat as well?

He wanted to reply, he truly did but all the words he wished to say would get stuck in his throat and all that came out instead was a quiet wail that went even quieter and became a whimpering at the end.

Vaggie barely could say more, scared that she, herself, will also end up getting overwhelmed by grief for her greatly dejected beloved and all his pain. All she could do was to be there for him, show him that she is there for him, through actions.

She rushed forward towards the shaking male and wrapped her arms tightly around him, trapping him in her affectionate cage. Softly she stroked his wet face and dried his tears with her hands.

Vaggie pulled (y/n) closer, not wanting to let him go ever again. Not allowing any space for uncertainty. He nuzzled into the welcoming warmth, embracing it with everything he got.

Both lied in eachothers arms, hugging eachother, enjoying the touch of the other. He let out every emotion, every thought that lied deep within him, everything that lied under the surface. She gladly embraced it as well.

»Let everything out, hon.« She whispered to him while he sniffed, trying to win his composure back he had days ago. »It's alright. Don't pressure yourself.« Vaggie reassured him worriedly.

»Thank you.« His hoarse, barely audible voice said. She just shook her head and leaned towards him, her forehead touching his as she took both of his hands in hers and intertwined their fingers.

»Don't thank me but know for sure, I'm there for you, no matter when, no matter where. If anything is wrong, then please, talk to me. We'll get through this and anything to come, together.«

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