Yandere! Alastor X Fem. Dog Demon! Reader

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Requested by HopeTheCoyote
Also sorry for my slow updates lately. My good friend and I are doing a kind of roleplay and she wants me to constantly answer giving me no time for the oneshots XD.

But hope you enjoy anyways.

(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(s/c)= skin color
3rd pov

He clenched his fist at the sight he has in this very moment. His crush (y/n) talking and having fun with Angel Dust.

He gritted his teeth trying to contain his anger and not to stomp towards them and rip Angel's head off.

He's insecure if the dog demon would ever love him back after that. She always hangs around with that spider and rarely with him.

As if she'd like Angel more than him. It makes his blood boil thinking about her loving someone else.

Alastor watched as the (h/c) haired dog and Angel played tricks on Sir Pentious who just happens to visit the hotel for some reason.

The girl's (h/c) fluffy ears twitch and her also (h/c) tail wags as the both demons chuckle about the inventor's shocked face at a prank they pulled.

He never really understood why they do it, but as long as it'll make his beloved (y/n) laugh, he doesn't mind it.

He loved her laugh, as a matter of fact he loved absolutely everything about the sweet dog Demon. Just not the fact that she hangs around with Angel.

He just couldn't ignore the burning hatred for the spider demon he has deep inside. But he'd always try to ingore it, for her sake.

He sighed wanting her attention too, even if it'd be a small praise. „Heya Angel! How about we'll invite Cherri over? We could have a sleepover!” (y/n) exclaimed happy making Alastor's heart skip a beat.

„Sure!” they both demons left the hotel thinking about what they'll do today at the sleepover. Alastor still sat on his chair angrier than ever. Every demon is a threat, even females. It cost him a lot of self-control to see her hanging around with Angel and now there'll even be a second demon she likes more than him.

He can't let that happen. Something inside him snapped and he heard his demon shadown whispering different ways of dealing with this problems of demons. He suddenly shot up from the chair looking around if anybody is near.

After he made sure noone is there he teleported to the home of the one-eyed female demon knocking on the door. „Yes who's thi-” Cherri couldn't say more because Alastor grabbed her harshly by the throat growling.

She tried to hit him but the lack of oxygen was weakening her. His grab got tighter and it didn't took long until Cherri got unconscious. He let go of her hearing a sound from outside which sounded like laughing. The door was closed so noone could come in nor could see what happens inside.

He wasn't sure if the vpices belong to Angel or (y/n) but he doesn't intend to risk anything so he teleported himself and Cherri into his house. He threw her inside his basement locking the door.

(y/n)' pov.

„Maybe she isn't home?” I asked Angel rubbing my neck „Maybe...” he replied lost in thoughts knocking for the 10th time. „Well, guess we should get back.” he sighed and started to walk back to the hotel. Angel was just as thrilled as I was at the idea of having a sleepover with Cherri. I started to follow him.

On the whole way noone talked. I don't know what Angel thinks about but I'm worrying for her. Usually she'd always be there unless she's fighting with Sir Pentious, but we would have noticed that because if they'd fight it wouldn't be so dead silent.

We went into the hotel and I let myself drop on the comfortable sofa that stands near the reception table. „Why so sad, darling?” I jumped at the sudden voice that came form behind me and turned around. „O-oh Alastor! Sorry I haven't noticed you.” I saw his hands clench for some reason, but I couldn't help but get red in the face.

I've always had a crush on the Radio Demon. No matter how creepy or intimating He looked I've always thought he was cute and his gentleman behavior is extra adorable.

„It's alright sweetheart! So mind to tell me what happened?” he sat down beside me smoothly as always. I sighed and tole him about the plan Angel Dust and I made with Cherri. „Now to come to think of it, where's Angel? I haven't seen him again after we got in here.” I said looking around. No Angel was definitely not here.

„I don't know, maybe he's not in a good mood because of your failed plan?” he shrugged his shoulders „hmm maybe.” I said leaning into the soft sofa. „What a loss! But you have me to keep you company, darling! I won't let you down. Never.” he said staring into my (e/c) eyes.

„T-thanks.” I replied quietly, blushing again but this time Alastor noticed it. „Aw you're so adorable, dear! I mean you're always adorable but the sweet red color on your face matches to your beautiful (s/c) skin.” I blushed more at his compliment putting his hair to shame.

He just laughed and patted my head. „May I pat your head?” Alastor asked me bluntly and I looked at him beeing dumbfounded. „Pa-pardon?”he cleared his throat and I swear I could've seen a small blush on his face now.

„May I touch your ears?” I sighed but nodded and leaned towards him. He hesitantly grabbed them softly. I bit my lip not wanting any sound leaving my mouth. „They're softer than I ever could have imagined!”

I enjoy his affection and let my tail wag. Of course he noticed and looked at it too „What about your tail?” I sighed again and I moved it towards him but that wasn't enough. He pulled me on his lap my tail facing him. He hugged it suddenly making me moan. I covered my mouth with both hands shocked about my lack of self-control.

He chuckled „Is your tail thaat sensitive, darling?” „O-of course it is!” I snapped flustered making him laugh again.

He let go of my tail but wrapped his arms around my waist now and laid his head on my shoulder snuggling to my neck. „Don't be so flustered around me, darling. Even though I like it, I feel like you wouldn't trust me much.”

„I trust you.” I replied calming down. It was an comfortable silence and noone interrupted it. „You know, I would do anything for you. I would get rid of any demon that'd get too near to you. Just for you, my darling.” Suddenly I knew why Cherri wasn't home and why I didn't see Angel

He's the reason why. He did something to them. I realized it but it couldn't change anything about my feelings for him. I leaned back laying my head on his head. He looked at the confused but then smiled wider.

No matter what he did I can't deny my feelings. As much as I loved Cherri and Angel and as much as I wish there would have been another way, Alastor is much more precious to me. He is and always will be.

Sorry if the ending is a bit sudden but I hope you enjoyed.

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