Charlie X Male Bounty Hunter! Reader

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Requested by omegavolta
Hope you enjoy.

(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(w/oc) = weapon of choice

3rd pov.

»I am a man of my word, sir.« The male that stood in front of the bounty hunter said with a sly smirk. (y/n) nodded and turned around, having an uneasy feeling about turning his back to the man.

He was right. Just after he turned around he heard a faint click sound. He pulled out his (w/oc) and spinned around only to be hit in the torso by a bullet.

(y/n) fell to the ground, breathing heavily in pain and anger. »Well, the most time I do.« mocked the traitor, looking down at the dying bounty hunter and left. He groaned and taunted himself at how stupid he was to trust this man.

His client won't be pleased to hear that he died on his mission, but he couldn't care less. The traitorous man shot him with a Magnum pistol right through the torso.

The world around (y/n) started to spin and got blurry when he tried to sit up, which did not work at all. He lied back down, because of the immense pain that runs through him.

»That bastard for sure knows where to shoot...« He hissed through gritted teeth at himself, coughing up blood. The hunter touched the wound on his chest and looked at his now bloody hand.

He sighed and thought about his pathetic death, he is one of the best bounty hunter on earth! And yet he should die like this?!

»Wherever you go after your death, I hope that i will be there to kick your god forsaken ass!« (Y/n)'s sight got dark, fading into black and he struggled to breath.

His body went limb and the bounty hunter let out his final breath.

Alastor's pov.

Oh, how I love to be feared! I'm currently walking on the streets of hell' s pentagram, enjoying the scared faces all the other demons give me.

I planned to go to the bar where my old friend Mimzy is gonna give a show but as I completed half of the way, I saw a new demon in an alley, seemingly rubbing his head in pain.

My grin widened and I stepped towards him. »Are you alright? Need any help, friend?« The new demons (e/c) eyes shot to me and slightly narrowed.

»Do I look like I need any help?« The stranger stood up, looking at his clothes and fixed them. »Though... Where am i? This is no place I'm familiar with and I thought I died...« He looked back at me and his voice drifted off, waiting for a reply.

I laughed. »Haha! Oh, friend! You're in hell of course! And I'm Alastor, better known as the radio demon!pleasure to meet you!«

I swinged my cane to my other hand and extended my free hand for the new demon. »(y/n). Also nice to meet you but what do you mean by 'in hell'? You're not messing with me, are you?« Lazily but consciously slow he took my hand, shaking it.

I grapped him and placed my other arm around his shoulder pulling him to me. »Ha! That what it means, friend!« (Y/n) growled annoyed at me and roughly pushed me off.

»I do not remember becoming friends with you, Alastor.« I laughed again at his rudeness and wischte wiped an imaginary tear away.

»Alright! I'll show you around here, friend! Just because you're so amusing! I also already know a place where you could stay at! It's a beautiful hotel for demons like you.« I snipped with my fingers and turned around.

I heard him following me even though his steps are very quite. I looked back at him and catched him watching around curiously. »Agreed. hell is quite something.« I could feel his confused stare in my back.

»I didn't said anything...?« I just smiled.

3rd pov.

»Here we are! Make yourself comfortable, I'll get Charlie!« Alastor walked off while (Y/n) looked around in the hotel. Not for long though, because Alastor was quick to get the princess of hell.

»Hello! It's so nice to meet you, I'm charlie Magne! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, you're gonna love it here!« Charlie cheerily took the new demon's hand and shook it.

»I guess I will?« (y/n) replied hesitantly. »My name is (y/n). Also a pleasure to meet you.« Charlie chuckled slightly and looked back at Alastor who stood some meters behind them, watching the scene.

»I understand why you got so fond of him! He's very sympathetic! How to not instantly like him?« Alastor tilted his head slitghly but shrugged his shoulders and walked off.

»He is a bit weird, but don't mind that! If you have any questions you can ask me! I'll be there for you, no matter for what or when!« (y/n) could have sworn he saw a small blush on the princess' face but she turned around too quickly.

»Follow me!« She said while taking out a key from her pocket and held it in her hand. »I'll bring you to your room and Alastor will come to you later to explain everything to you.«

The both demons walked in a large hall when Charlie suddenly stopped in front of a door and unlocked it with the key. »That will be your new home! Hope it's comfortable!« She opened the door wide enough for him to look inside.

»It do looks comfortable. I think I'm gonna enjoy it here.« he said pleased with the sight of the quite luxurious furnishing of the room and stepped inside.

»I hope the room isn't the only thing that makes your stay enjoyable.« Charlie said and kissed (y/n) cheek. He looked at her confused but also had a slight blush on his face. She closed the door so he can't look at her.

The princess of hell ran away covering her blushing face with her hands »Ah! Why was I so bold and kissed him on the cheek! It's the first day I met him and I already did that!«

Charlie spent the rest of the day with Vaggie talking about what she did and her surprisingly quick feelings for the ex bounty hunter.

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