Charlie X fem. Reader

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(h/c)= hair color
(e/c)= eye color

Charlies pov.

Sighing I leanded back in my chair and ruffled my hair. I can't focus at the paperwork again! It happened so often lately, every since the new demon started to work here. All I have in mind lately is (y/n), she never leaves it! Groaning I slammed my head against my work desk not knowing what to do against it.

It's so frustrating! All I can think about is her! The way she walks, the way her (h/c) hair looks like silk and her beautiful (e/c) eyes. They always shine so bright that they'd put shame on the sun.

I looked at my paperwork that has to be done and thought of a way to get rid of my constant thoughts about the demon. I stood up and walked out the door, while walking to the kitchen I haven't met anyone.

It is like night time so there rarely demons outside. Was I walked into the kitchen I made myself a glass of water and took a bowl of biscuits. „Oh? Hey Charlie, what are you doing?” surprised at the sudden voice I dropped the bowl and glass, making a mess.

„Oh Lord! I'm sorry that I startled you! Here let me do it.” (y/n) the demon that constantly hunts my thoughts said. We bent over at the same time and thrust our heads. „Ouch.” I groaned rubbing my head, (y/n) doing the same. „Sorry Charlie.” She apologized and I got slightly red because of how close we were.

„I-it's alright! No worries I'm alright.” I reassured her hoping she won't worry. (y/n) nodded her head „If you say so. I'm gonna get something to clean this up. Be right back.” I looked in the direction she dissapeared into, sighed and touched the place where my heart is, it literally throbs for her affection and care.

She came back and we fixed the mess and cleaned everything. „So. What were you doing here this late anyways, Charlie?” I bit my lip shuddering at how she says my name.

„A-are you alright? Are you cold?” she panicked and laid her hand on my shoulder. „No I'm alright. I was just trying to clear my thoughts so I can get the paperwork done.”

„What did you thought about? Maybe I can help?” I looked at her and noticed the worried glance she gives me. „Well I was just distracted, nothing important. But you do could help...” I told her fiddling with my fingers. „I can help you with your paperwork, if that's what you want.” (y/n) said smiling at me.

I sighed and nodded. She motioned for me to lead the way and so I did. After we arrived I rolled another chair to the desk for her. I gave her less than the half of the work so she won't have to strain herself.

Timeskip to after you're both done~

(y/n) of couse was earlier done than me but she didn't just left. She took the rest of the half of my work and did them. After we're both done we started to randomly talk about many things like how (y/n)'s life was before she died.

Suddenly she yawned and I just saw that she looks very tired. „Oh my! I'm so sirry that I kept you awake!” I apologized and stood up, so did she „No no, it's alright. I'm not that tired also I enjoyed spending time with you. We definitely should do it again sometime.” she still smiled and her eyes were as bright as always.

„Alright. But may I bring you to your room. Just wanna make sure you don't fall asleep in the hallway.” I awkwardly said trying not to sound desperate to be with her some more.

„Sure.” (y/n) shrugged, and so we started to walk towards her room in an quite comfortable silence. As we stood in fornt of her room we both looked into each other's eyes. I started to fiddle with my fingers again, which is a bad habit of mine.

„So... I guess this is a farewell?” (y/n) laughed at that „Just for the rest of the night! We'll see each other in the morning.” she then smiled. I nodded not noticing that my expression changed to a sad one. „What's wrong Charlie?” I looked at her and didn't know what to say. Wheter I confess my feelings and might ruin the friendship I have with her or keep them inside and make her worry.

„I guess it's just that I'm going to miss you?” I said insecure. (y/n) looked at me with a slight shocked expression but caught herself fast. „Oh. I'm gonna miss you too Charlie.” she said seemingly thinking about something.

„I guess we'll see us tomorrow morning?” I asked but she hesitated to nod saddening a bit more. „Ah no! It's not that I don't want to see you again! It's just that now where I think about it...” I looked at her hoping she'd say what I think.

„Ugh I gotta be honest.” (y/n) mumbled to herself „Fine! I think I might have taken a liking to you Charlie.” „You Do?!” I said and couldn't be happier! Then I noticed that I was hyper again and awkwardly coughed and repeated „You do?” in a more calm way.

She laughed as response and almost fell to the floor if I didn't catch her. „W-whats so funny?” I asked panicked. „Y-you're so c-cute!” She said in between her laughter and I blushed madly. „But that's what also got me to like you!” she said wiping away a tear. Guess I was that funny? „So you like me back?” I asked excitedly

„Yeah. That's what I said. Well except for knowing you felt the same way.” I pulled her in a tight hug and showered her with kisses all over her face. „Haha yes yes. I love you too Charlie.” (y/n) said laughing again. I grinned at her and jumped excited thinking about all the things we could do as a couple. „Well, wanna come in my room?”

I nodded rushing in behind her and laying myself down in her bed and cuddled myself in her blanket. She laughed and laid herself down too I pulled her towards me, covered her with the blanket and nuzzled into her neck feeling relieved and happy that she feels the same.

„Good night.” she whispered patting my head. „Good night, love.” I mumbled leaning into her some more.

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