Alastor X Fem! Reader X Angel Dust

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Requested by: Ninaandthegames
Hope you enjoy!

3rd pov.

(y/n) was hanging around with her two best demon friends again, scaring other demons.

She'd always distract them and then Alastor and Angel Dust would sneak onto them and scare the demon.

It was like this since they've met in the hazbin hotel. She went there to help her friend charlie out after she begged (y/n) to.

First she met Angel and instantly became friends with him. His flirty and funny way just caught her interest.

So did Alastor's creepy but cheerily personality after he saw Charlie's fiasco on tv and went to the 'happy hotel' as it was called back then.

Ever since the three of them met eachother noone could separate them from eachother.

Sometimes (y/n) would feel attracted to them. She loved them both at first sight. Her feelings for her best friends are torturing her.

She loves them more than anything or anyone else but yet she doesn't want to confront them with her feelings and maybe lose them too.

No, she'd never admit her feelings. She rather takes the pain than to lose them and be in more. She do would sometimes flirt with them but she'd never think they'd return her feelings.

But they do. They even talked with eachother about their feelings for (y/n). Of course she doesn't know about that but they're planning on confronting her soon.

She has the option to choose but they also agreed to get along if she can't decide, she wants both or doesn't loves one of them.

Even though Angel and Alastor got in more than one arguement with eachother, they'll do their best to get along, for her.

(y/n)'s pov.

As I walked down the halls of the Hazbin hotel I heard two guys arguing with eachother in the Foyer. I got there and saw Alastor and Angel beeing in a very heated argue.

„You guys alright?” I asked raising my brows. It got awkwardly silent as they noticed me like they wouldn't want me to know what it was about.

Why was I so stupid anyways and asked before listening. They just looked at me and tried to look calm but their breath was still heavy.

„We're-we're alright, deary. Nothing to worry about.” Alastor said smiling nervously.

„How much did you heart, hottie?” Angel also beeing nervous stepped towards me but hesitated.

„Sadly, nothing. And there's the problem. What did you two argued about?” I replied crossing my arms raising one brow at them.

I could swear that I saw them sweatdropping like in an anime. „Nothing important, darling! Hey, how about we do something together? Like cooking!”

I shrugged my shoulders not minding Alastor changing the subject, because I'll find it out eventually.

„Huh? Why would I want to do something so boring while the hot stuff's here?” Angel asked Alastor obviously wanting to make him mad.

„Because we want to spend some quality time with her doing something calm but nice!” he replied gritting his teeth.

I looked at them not getting what exactly he meant. „Well, I wouldn't mind cooking with you guys. But what do we want to make?”

„Oh glad you agree! I thought about not exactly cooking but baking some cake or something, darling!” Alastor told me cheerily as always when he asks me do to something with him.

„Boooring...” Angel groaned silently to which Alastor just rolled his eyes annoyed.

After he gave Angel a glare we three went to the kitchen to make a cake. I noticed that Alastor and Angel are glaring daggers at eachother for some reason.

That never happened before when we hung around. I shook my head thinking that it's not that important.

We decided to make a simple chocolate cake and Alastor snapped his fingers making everything for it appear.

Timeskip after baking~

3rd pov.

As they were done making the cake all three of them had chocolate on their clothes so they decided to change clothes.

After (y/n) was done changing she went back to meet the two demon friends of hers. She yet again heard them arguing but this time she  wouldn't do the same mistake.

She hid herself behind the door she heard them and listened to their argument. She didn't understood much just that they're arguing about another demon they seemingly want to think that they both get along.

„We have to do it! For (y/n)! We have to get along, or do you want us to battle for her!?” Alastor shouted beeing out of control.

„Of course not! But you now that we can't get along!”

„Maybe, but we'll have to if she chooses one of us or if we're lucky, us both!”

(y/n)'s eyes widened at this. The two demons who she admired loved her back! Even both of them!

So she decided to show herself. She stepped away from the door so they can see her. They both turned sfhocked towards her after hearing (y/n) loudly stepping inside the room.

She looked at their flustered face because they seemingly noticed that she heard much more than the last time. 

Awkwardly Angel stepped towards her and Alastor just stayed there with his face almost as red as his hair and suit.

(y/n) started to laugh uncontrollably because their reaction was too hilarious to resist.

She almost fell to the floor but Angel and Alastor noticed and rushed to her to help her stand.

As she was done laughing she looked at the two demons who still were red. They looked uncomfortable and they didn't know what to think about her reaction.

(y/n) smiled brightly at them and pinched their cheeks. „Hey, don't worry. I'd jever thought you two would, but I also developed a crush on the both of you.”

They locked shocked that she admitted her secret feelings for them, they didn't knew about, so suddenly.

All three of them couldn't be happier. (y/n) finding out her both crushs also love her! It simply can't be better. The two demon guys also were glad she returns their love.

Beeing as happy and excited as they're now Angel and Alastor forgot their argument and embraced (y/n) in bone crushing hugs.

She of course returned their hugs getting flustered too. (y/n) already thought of what they'll do together.

Hopefully Vaggie and Charlie wouldn't mind it. Especially Vaggie, she's always protective if it comes to (y/n) or Charlie.

But whatever they say won't stop her to love Angel and Alastor.

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