Chapter 7

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I smack the side of Jungkook's arm to try to get him to stop fidgeting with his hands. "Control yourself," I hiss at him.

"I can't help it. I'm terrified. What if your dad kills me? What if my dad kills me? He bought me a hundred pack of condoms for my birthday as a joke, but I how the hell do I tell him that I never bothered to re-stock when I ran out?" He rambles while shaking his leg.

My eyes widen at his confession, and I finally turn to look at his wide-eyes deer-like expression. "Hold up, your birthday was only two months ago and you managed to empty out a hundred pack? You're either having a lot of sex, or you're just not using them right."

Jungkook's jittery mess pauses for the couple of seconds he uses to turn to me with a smirk. "Don't be a prude. I know for a damn fact that you and Taehyung are exactly the same. Maybe even worse. You didn't even wait for Jimin and I to leave your apartment last night before you said you had laundry to fold in your room only for us to hear dirty noises coming from your room."

He earns another smack from me and I try to adjust my hair over my burning ears. The lightness of the room is short-lived when Namjoon pokes his head into the room. "They just got out of a meeting. Dad's assistant already let them know to meet here," he explains and closes the door.

We both nod and Jungkook goes back to fidgeting. I keep trying to remain calm, and assuring myself that the worse that can happen was getting disowned, but as long as I have Taehyung by my side I can deal with those consequences. As long as I get to live the rest of my life with him. We could move into the little cabin in the woods I had run away to that one time. The place where he first made me his. I don't want all the money in the world, I just want him.

My thought process is interrupted by the opening of the door. Jungkook and I stand respectfully and greet our fathers. They wave us off to sit back down and the atmosphere is now starting to feel suffocating. "We were told you two wanted to talk to us," Mr. Jeon states. "Did you finally agree on the wedding date?"

Jungkook and I face each other and now I want to start fidgeting as well. "Not exactly, Father," Jungkook says turning to his father. "The opposite actually. Seokjin and I want to officially call off our wedding," he tries to say firmly.

My father let's out a laugh as if he'd just been told a joke, but his face soon hardens when he realizes that Jungkook and I are not laughing with him, and are both looking at him with the same serious expression. "We already talked about this. You two are getting married, and while we're still in this topic you need to pick out a date. We're no longer allowing either one of you to push the date back. Now both of you get your head out of your asses and pick a date by the end of the day," he demands, his voice going lower. A sign that he is losing his patience. "You're dismissed," he states.

I take in a deep breath and look at Taehyung, who was here the whole time, stationed in the corner. His face is unmoved and he's trying not to show any response to the conversation, but his eyes betray him as I can see a hint of disappointment in them. It gives me the courage to stay and stand my ground. "Jungkook and I are not going anywhere until you agree to terminate our engagement," I say firmly. "Neither one of us asked for this agreement, and neither one of us gave our consent to marry the other. We've tried to cancel it many times now, but you and Mr. Jeon refuse resulting the wedding date to be pushed back. I'm here to say that we no longer want the date pushed back, because it's not going to happen. We are not marrying each other."

My voice drips with authority and determination, but my heart cowers to beating in double time once I see my father's eyes darken along with Mr. Jeon. "And tell me why this wedding can't happen," he spits out.

I try to ignore my pounding heart and open my mouth to answer, but Junkook beats me to it. "I'm having an affair," his confession echoes through the room, and Mr. Jeon's eyes narrow down on to his son along with my dad. "I've been having an affair this whole time. I was in a relationship prior to the engagement announcement, and I never broke it off. I kept seeing him, and..." Jungkook trails off to take a deep breath and let's it out in small shakes. "I've recently found out we're having a baby," he manages to finish.

I pull my dad in before he has the opportunity to launch himself at Jungkook. I can feel the slight shake in his arms as a result of his anger, and a loud slap echoes throughout the room. When I turn to see what happened I see Junkook massaging his cheek with  his father still standing before him. "How dare you shame our family like this," Mr. Jeon spits out. He lifts his hand up once again but I cut in and end up in the receiving end of the slap. 

It stings and his ring cut through the skin on my cheek, but I have not time to process the pain because in the next second, Taehyung violently grabs Mr. Jeon and has him tackled on the floor. "You can let go of him. Seokjin should have not gotten in the way," Father commands, but Taehyung doesn't budge. His face is murderous, and I can see his grip tightening on Mr. Jeon. "Taehyung, let go of him," my father commands, but Taehyung still doesn't move.

"Jungkook is not the only one at fault. I have also been having an affair throughout this entire engagement," I finally confess. I expect to meet the same reaction from my father, but he instead pulls Taehyung from Mr. Jeon and pushes him towards the door.

"You useless piece of shit. I pay you a fortune to look after my son, and he's been sneaking around under your nose this whole time?! Tell me how much he's been paying you to keep his secret?! Who's the bastard trying to find a place in my fortune!" Father yells. Taehyung stays quiet and realization soon dawns on Father as he punches Taehyung in the gut. He folds over gripping his stomach but my dad grabs him by the collar to keep him in place. "I pay you the highest salary for a bodyguard in the country and this is how you repay me? By screwing my son," his voice is rasping with anger and his grips refuses to loosen around Taehyung. 

"Dad, let him-"

"You shut up!" He yells back at me refusing to turn away from Taehyung's gaze. "Did you decide that the money I was paying you wasn't enough that you decided to fuck my son out of his money? Is that what happened?"

"No." Taehyung replies firmly, refusing to show any sign of weakness. "It has nothing to do with your money. I'm in love with your son. I never ask for anything from him, but his love and affection."

My dad let's out a humorless laugh and punches Taehyung across the face bringing him to the floor. "You're pathetic. I trusted you and you respond by taking my son in as your whore. I knew this whole act between the two of you was suspicious, but I brushed it off because you carried your job out perfectly, and even agreed to move in with the brat. Now I know why. You must've been over the moon having access to him 24/7," he spits out. "Get the hell out of my building and pack your shit out of the apartment. You're fired. I don't ever want you near my family ever again. Next time I see you come near Seokjin, I won't hesitate to kill you." My dad finally let's go of Taehyung, but instead of leaving Taehyung turns to walk to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks nursing the cut on my face as if he just hadn't been punched. 

I nod in response and rest my hands on his cheeks. "Please go. I'll call you once I'm back home." He looks hesitant and refuses to move but security bursts in through the doors, and start dragging him out. I look around the room to see that Jungkook is on the floor looking at me in shame, and I look up to see my dad killing me with his glare.

"You fucking whore, " he roars stomping towards me, but someone steps in front of me blocking me off from him.

"Don't even think about laying a hand on him," I hear Namjoon growl at him.

"How adorable. You think you can walk out on this family for two years and just waltz in here ordering me around?" My dad bites back. I can hear our dad move closer to us but Namjoon soon pushes him to the floor, and grabs my hand leading me out of the office. We're soon greeted by Yoongi walking towards us in the hallway. "They forced Taehyung in a cab. He's on his way to get his things out of the apartment," he explains. Namjoon gives him a nod, and gestures back to the office where we left Jungkook behind. "Get Junkook out of there and call Jimin. We'll meet back at the apartment, and decide on the next step," he orders and with a quick nod Yoongi disappears in to the office and Namjoon continues leading me out of the building. 

We exit the building and rush into the car where Hoseok is waiting for us. "I'm guessing things ended badly?" He asks with sympathy laced in his voice as he glances at me through the rearview mirror. Instead of answering, I look out towards the window as he starts driving away from the company.

Tears start rolling down my eyes, as I'm now unsure what's going to happen. As if he read my mind, Namjoon moves close to me and rests my head on his shoulder. "Don't worry. We'll figure this all out, okay?"

I shut my eyes, wishing the car would move faster, so I can surround myself in Taehyung's arms. He's the only one capable of making me feel better at a time like this.

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