Chapter 26

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3 years later

"You're pregnant!" He exclaims reaching for his friend's tiny belly.

With a scowl on his face and a grunt from his lips, Yoongi smacks Seokjin's hands away. "Don't remind me. Your brother breaks everything of course I should have known it wouldn't be long before he broke a condom. I knew I should have been on birth control," Yoongi grumbles trying to hide the hint of a growing smile forming on his lips.

Seokjin continues teasing his friend as he claps in excitement. "Don't pretend you are not excited. I know you are. I swear you two will make the cutest babies with Namjoon's dimples and your cute gummy smile. How is my brother taking it by the way?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes as he remembers telling Namjoon the news. "First he passed out. Then he got rid of our coffee cabinet," Seokjin winces knowing how coffee is Yoongi's sacred treasure, "and now he won't let me travel. Something about traveling putting a lot of stress on the baby, so I'm stuck here with you. He purchased the house next door to make sure you're reachable if I need anything. He also won't be traveling as much so he can be with me," Yoongi explains.

Seokjin claps his hands again in victory. "Finally! Dasom misses her Uncles so much when they leave. I'll finally have babysitters for date night," he giggles.

Yoongi gulps nervously at his comment and reaches for a cup of tea Seokjin had laid out on the table. "How are things going with Jungkook by the way?"

"They're going good actually. Dasom absolutely adores him and calls him her favorite Kookie. They have formed a beautiful relationship," Seokjin says with a small nod.

"That's good to hear but I was asking about your relationship with Jungkook."

Seokjin takes another sip of his tea and answers with a sigh. "It was challenging at first. Getting used to the idea of being with him, but I am really starting to like what we have. He doesn't ask for more than what I am ready to give, and he has had a lot of patience with me."

Yoongi looks at his friend with a raised eyebrow. "Patience? What does he need patience for? Have you two not....?"

Seokjin's cheeks flush. "We go on dates at least once a week whether we go out or stay in for a movie night, and I moved into his room earlier this year. We have done over the clothes stuff along with a couple new things recently, but we haven't actually done.... it."

Yoongi's eyes widen at Seokjin's confession. "You two have been married for three years and dating for two, and you haven't been able to have sex?"

"We've been close to doing it," Seokjin groans, "but the first time it almost happened, I wasn't ready. The second time Dasom interrupted us. Then our plan to kick my dad out of the company failed and that was no longer in our minds. Then Jungkook got demoted to VP. Then he went on a six month business trip where he found out that Jimin is one of your business partners, so it backtracked him. Then when we were about to again, he wasn't ready." Yoongi bites the inside of his cheek as he continues to mess with the cup in his hands. "Thanks for not telling me about Jimin by the way," Seokjin mutters.

Yoongi puts the cup down and looks back apologetically. "I'm sorry, it's just that we are about to set up the process of transferring the company to someone else and we needed Jimin to get on board with the plans to do it."

Seokjin looks down. "Does he know about me and Jungkook?"

"He already knew about the engagement, and I felt since Jungkook moved on then he should too, so I told him," he replies with a small nod.

"Is that why he hasn't contacted me in over two years?" Seokjin asks, suddenly feeling small and guilty over what he's doing.

Yoongi reaches over and brushes his cheek clearing out a stray tear that had rolled down. "Not at all. Jimin is embarrassed about leaving Jungkook the way he did, and doesn't know how to face you both if he comes back. He understands that Jungkook has moved on with his life and is really happy for the two of you. I won't lie he was thrown off at first, but he got over it. These days he doesn't have time for much because of the project he's working on. Joon and I usually can't get in contact with him unless we actually go visit him," Yoongi assures. "He's made peace with everything that happened and will come back once he's done with his work, but he doesn't hate you. He even sent Dasom a gift for her birthday."

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