Chapter 36

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Jimin rolls his eyes as he continues pushing through the amount of old, angry, crusty-looking men arguing, while he nurses the left over headache from the deadly hangover he woke up from. "If he lies about his own name, then he can not be trusted to make deals with this company," Mr. Kim speaks out. "The deal between Kim Enterprises and MinKim Security is over. I will not allow my company to be blindsided by a rookie." 

"With all due respect, Mr. Kim, I have seen your business has been declining in the past years that MinKim Security has been thriving. If I'm not mistaken it was your company that reached out to us," Jimin explained with a bored expression. "You offer steady home security, but our technology is far more advanced, and delivers more to customers and their safety. If you want to kill this deal, be my guest, but MinKim Security will not be the one suffering any losses." The meeting room goes silent. Everyone is stunned at the way that Jimin is talking to someone who is supposed to be one of the most powerful men in the country. "As for my CEO's identity issue, we all have reasons for making illogical and over the top decisions, don't we Mr. Kim?" Jimin challenges with a tug of a smirk gracing his lips.

Mr. Kim stiffens at his challenge and grunts before rising from his seat. "I am not signing off on any deal that includes that low-life gold-digging bastard."

"Well, you don't have to," Jungkook chimes in after staying quiet the whole meeting. "I am the one in charge of this project. We signed a contract stating that I made final decisions throughout this entire collaboration. We are going to be working closely with MinKim Security whether you like it or not."

Mr. Kim glares at his son-in-law but has no other choice but to back down, and storms out of the meeting instead. "This meeting is adjourned for today. We will meet again next Friday to start talking actual business. If anyone else has any doubts about this project please tell me now. There are people in line waiting to climb on board and move up. You are all free to go." The room clears out after Jungkook ends the meeting leaving him and Jimin behind to clean up their respective sides of the room.

Jimin continues wincing every time the door opens and closes further worsening his hangover. "I see you had a relaxing night," Jungkook mutters taking notice of the other's pain.

"My alcohol tolerance is not what it was in college. Seokjin and I managed to drink three bottles; never again," he winces.

"Seokjin spent the night at your place?"

Jimin starts organizing the files in his briefcase as he nods. "Did you expect him to ride Taehyung after one fight with you?" Jimin asks amused. 

"Don't be so vulgar," Jungkook scowls. "Anyways Seokjin doesn't need Taehyung to ride on when he has me." 

He regrets his comment as soon as he says it and shuts his eyes to mentally scold himself. Meanwhile Jimin freezes but quickly recovers not wanting to show that Jungkook's words affected him and starts getting his stuff, avoiding having to look at the other. "Good for you," he mutters lowly as he heads towards the door.

Jungkook opens his eyes and quirks an eyebrow when he hears the light shake to Jimin's tone. "Yeah good for me." He smirks seeing this as an opportunity to crush Jimin the way he crushed him four years ago. "I mean you know how amazing Seokjin looks with clothes on. Now I have the pleasure of seeing him without them." He smiles in triumph when he sees Jimin freeze as he reaches the door. "How does it feel, Jimin? To have your bestfriend get sexually satisfied by the man you were going to marry?"

Jimin takes a deep breath and releases as an attempt to unclench his jaw. "Remember all those things I did to you? I now do them to the most important person in your life."

Breathe in. Breathe out. Unclench. Smile. And turn. When Jimin finally turns to look at Jungkook his knuckles have turned white by how tight his grip is on his suitcase. "Actually I don't remember." His grip loosens lightly when he sees Jungkook's smirk starting to falter. "I have had so many men inside of me since I left, the memory of having you faded with every thrust into my ass." Jimin takes a daring step towards Jungkook now realizing he has the upper hand. "I am not a child, Jungkook, I know what happens between two people once they get married. I was definitely aware that your were not going to wait for me, and I never expected you to. Which is why I made sure to erase the memory of you with every touch, every lick, every bite I let those men do to me." 

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