Chapter 45

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Yoongi continues firing his gun as he blocks the door that is hiding Dasom who is wailing for her Daddy and Appa. Another man goes down, but there are too many and they are starting to close in on them. Yoongi continues firing but a miss bullet breaks the windows of the passenger door just missing Dasom. Trying to think fast, Yoongi fires one last round and puts his hands up in surrender.

"We will come willingly, if you can confirm that no harm will come to the girl."

The men following them look at the bodies on the ground, and keep their aim on Yoongi. "Its not you or the girl our boss wants, but the girl will lead us to Kim Seokjin. We are under strict orders not to kill her," one of them answers. "Now put the gun down so we can properly detain you."

"I am almost nine months pregnant and moving half the speed I usually do, yet you fear me."

"You killed half of my men," the guy growls back.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and finally drops his gun. "Maybe next time they should think before shooting at a child. And obviously, they were not competent enough to stay alive." He  opens the door to the backseat and takes Dasom off her car seat.

She is still crying as she holds on to her uncle. He lifts her up and winces when he feels a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. "Uncle Yoongi," Dasom whimpers.

"Uncle Yoongi is okay, just continue holding on to me. Uncle Joonie and your Dad are on their way," he tries to reassure her and walks through the pain. They try taking Dasom from him, but he gives them a glare and they back off and lead them towards their SUV. "The child stays with me," Yoongi states. "You might also want to put a towel in the backseat."

Two of the guards look at each other confused and Yoongi rolls his eyes as he opens the SUV door and sits down as he continues to hold tight on to Dasom. "My water just broke."


Seokjin startles when he hears knocking on his front door. He clutches the small pistol in his hands and takes small steps towards the front of the apartment. As told by Namjoon, he stays quiet and gets in position to aim just in case the person is not to be trusted.

"Jin, its me Jimin. And Jungkook is here too," he hears the soft voice of his best friend come from the other side. With a sigh of relief, Seokjin puts the gun down and opens the door for them. Jimin engulfs him into a tight hug as soon as the door closes. "What happened?"

"Dasom and Yoongi have been kidnapped," Seokjin tries explaining between sobs. "What else must life throw at us before we can finally be happy?"

Jungkook hurries to close any blinds around the apartment. "She is with Yoongi. They will have to go through him first before they get to her," Jimin assures and holds on to Seokjin's hands.

"What if something happens to Yoongi? He is due any day now. What if he loses the baby?" Seokjin starts freaking out once again, but Jimin envelopes him in his arms.

"Namjoon will destroy them and your dad with his bare hands if anything happens to either one of them."

Jungkook takes one last look out the window and joins the other two on the couch. "Taehyung may have switched careers but he still has years of experience in combat. Yoongi is also hard to put down, even if he is pregnant. I trust that they will keep Dasom safe." He gives a soft pat on Seokjin's back and slides his hand onto Jimin's to calm him down as well. Jimin tightens his grip on Jungkook and he tests his luck bringing Jimin closer in his arms.

'We will make sure to keep you all safe this time' he thinks to himself as he rubs circles on Jimin's growing stomach.


Namjoon speeds through the road trying to get to Yoongi's location as fast as possible. He swerves when he sees the mess of bodies left behind along with Yoongi's vehicle that has several bullet holes. They look around but it is obvious that they are already gone.

Slamming on the hood of his truck, Namjoon cries out. "Damnit!"

Taehyung approaches the wrecked vehicle, holding his breath in fear. He sighs in relief when he sees that it is empty. A buzz in his pocket has him fishing out his phone and walking back to Namjoon.

:They are here. Dasom is safe, but Yoongi seems to be going into labor. I already called the police, but hurry. He has gone insane.

"We must go to your parent's house," Taehyung instructs as he gets back into the truck.

Namjoon looks at him confused as to how he knows where Dasom and Yoongi are at. "My father would not be that stupid. How do you know?"

Taehyung purses his lips and starts motioning them to get going. "I have someone on the inside, so I am not certain but it is the only lead we have for now." Namjoon gives in and drives back to his childhood home.


Yoongi continues wincing in pain as he feels another contraction coming. He is met with a warm cloth on his forehead but he shoves it away. "I will cut your arm off if you come anywhere near me or Dasom."

"You have every right to hate me, but this baby is coming right now whether you like it or not. I have a way to sneak a doctor in here without anyone noticing. I know you do not trust me, but let me do this one thing for you and your baby."

Yoongi looks up still skeptical. "You are the reason why we are in this mess to being with, Mrs. Kim. If you would have just kept your mouth shut none of this would be happening," he growls.

Mrs. Kim looks down in shame. "I know I messed up. My ignorance and greed caused me the happiness of my boys. Nothing I do will ever make up for the damage I have done to them, but I owe them both this much. I owe this to you as well for the way I have talked to you and treated you."

Yoongi almost feels bad, but does not process because he feels another contraction. Dasom looks down at her uncle worried. "Is Uncle Yoongi, okay?"

"Yes baby, he will be once the doctor gets here," Mrs. Kim reassures. She looks back down at Yoongi who is in horrible pain and places the warm rag on top of his head. "Please let me help you. I promise I will stay away from you and my son. I have already made both of them suffer enough, but let me do this last thing for them."

Yoongi assumes defeat and gently nods his head as he feels himself slip out of consciousness. "Please.... keep Dasom safe," he mutters. He tries holding on as long as possible but the stress and strength he used get to him, and he loses himself in the surrounding darkness that overtakes his vision.

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