Chapter 33

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The drive to the school is filled with uneasy silence as both Taehyung and Seokjin are not too sure what to talk about.

"You look great," Taehyung speaks up. "You haven't aged one bit."

Seokjin chuckles at his attempt to start a conversation, but decides to humor him. "You look good too. You know, for a dead guy." That is all that is needed for the tension in the car ride to disappear as they both laugh at Seokjin's joke.

Once they get to Dasom's school, Seokjin directs them straight to the front office so he can add Taehyung as Dasom's other official guardian and he could be authorized to pick her up on any given day. Explaining to her teachers that Dasom's father is alive and well after establishing that he was dead for the past five years was a whole scene in of itself. They smiled and nodded, but Seokjin saw that they were now viewed as the lunatic family. 

His initial worry of what everyone would think about their situation, however, vanishes as soon as he sees their little girl cheer as she runs to the arms of Taehyung and getting picked up. "Daddy's here," she whispers as she lays her head on her daddy's shoulder. Her teachers coo at the sight and the assistant steps up to Seokjin.

"Congratulations on having him back, Mr. Seokjin," she says softly.

"Thank you. I believe Dasom won't be coming tomorrow. Her and her dad have a lot of catching up to do, but I'll come by in the morning to pick up her school work." Mr. Choi nods and hands him Dasom's school bag and backpack, and waves goodbye.

"How many times have you seen her? She seems to be completely comfortable with you." Seokjin asks from the passenger seat as they drive to Jimin's apartment.

Taehyung continues stealing glances at Dasom who is happily playing with the heart shaped plushy he recently bought her for her birthday. "The first time I came back, she was a month away from turning two. I begged your brother for weeks to allow me to come and see her, and he gave in eventually. I couldn't stay for long, but I tried coming as often as I could.

It took her a while to get used to me at first, but she had an idea of who I was," he chuckled. "She kept calling me Daddy Te-Te."

Seokjin chuckles as he looks down at his hands. "I used to put her to bed showing her pictures of you and talking about you. She learned how to say your name right after Appa."

Taehyung smiled wide as he pulls into an unfamiliar building.

Seokjin looks at him confused. "I thought we were going back to Jimin's house"

"I just moved in here a couple of days ago. It's still kind of empty, because I haven't been able to move all of my things from Jimin's, but I made sure to have Dasom's play area set up first along with her room. I really wanted to her to see it." Seokjin gives him an uneasy look. "I swear I won't try to make a pass on you. Even though I have been able to visit Dasom every once in a while, it was only a couple of times out of the year, and only for an hour. I want to be more involved in her life now."

Seokjin looks back at her daughter staring out of the window amazed of the huge building. She has lived four year without her dad, and even though his relationship with Taehyung has hit a major road block, he will not allow father and daughter to miss out on more of each other than they already have. So with the biggest smile he turns back to Taehyung and nods his head.

It takes all of Taehyung not to cup Seokjin's face and kiss him like he did before this whole mess happened. He knows in doing so Seokjin would leave immediately, and that's something he's trying to avoid. So he shoves the thought in the back of his mind and distracts himself by carrying his daughter to her second home.

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