Chapter 48

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Jungkook trips over himself for the fifth time this evening after being distracted. His date with Jimin went fine and the other is currently happily licking away at his ice cream while they walk back to Namjoon and Yoongi's house. Although the date seemed to have gone fine, Jungkook can not stop thinking about Jin's words earlier about Jimin finding someone else who would better appreciate him as a partner.

"Are you sure you do not want me to just take a cab home? You look like you need some rest," Jimin interrupts his thoughts.

Jungkook shakes his head, but stills when they reach the house that signals the end of their date and reminds him how he will go home alone to an empty bed. "I am not tired, I just want to talk for a bit if that is okay with you."

Jimin nods in agreement and motions towards a public bench and smiles sweetly when Jungkook helps him sit down. "What is on your mind?"

"Us," Jungkook states without hesitation.


"Please hear me out," Jungkook interrupts slowly growing desperate to have Jimin understand what he wants. "When you left, you took a piece of my heart with you. I wanted to hate you for leaving me. I was so angry at everything that had to do with you, and maybe that is the reason why I tried being with Seokjin," he pauses when he sees Jimin's face twitch in discomfort, but decides to keep going. "He was your best friend and at some point I thought I was in love with him when we were younger, so it felt like being with him would be the best way for me to move on.

I tried so hard to love him like I love you. I tried to heal him from the pain of Taehyung being gone at the time, but like him no matter how hard I tried, my love was never going to be able to be his. And then you came back and for the first time in years, it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest, and the only thing going through my mind was if you still loved me. I thought I was pathetic for still wanting you, and I said and did horrible things to you. And don't get me wrong, I am jumping-off-the-walls excited that we are having babies. That we were given another chance at creating life, but if I could go back in time and change the conditions in which they were conceived, I would make sure they were conceived with all the love I feel towards you. 

That man who said those horrible things to you that day is an idiot and jealous and petty. He just wanted to hurt you like you hurt him without even thinking about the pain you went through when we separated. I made you mine again and left you as if you were nothing, and I am so sorry, Jimin."

Jimin wipes the tears cascading down his eyes and looks at his melting ice cream in his hand. "That day, although bittersweet, I could never change what happened between us because it led to them," he explains with a rubbing hand on his belly. "I understand that you were mad, rightfully so, which is why I tried giving you space. I also did and said things that I knew would push your buttons, but just like you have found it in your heart to forgive me, I forgive you as well. I am okay with what we have and I understand that is all we will ever be."

Jungkook grunts in frustration and finally throws caution out of the wind as he gets up and kneels down on both knees in front of Jimin while taking his hands in his own. "And I thought that I could be okay with that and deal with it but I can't. I want more.

I want more than just doctor visits and scheduled appointments to see you. I don't want to go all the way to our friends' house to see you because I want you to already be there when I wake up every morning and when I go to bed every night. I want us to be together because it has always been you. You and I belong together, and I am sorry I was too stupid to admit it before. I am on my knees begging you, let's give us one more try."

With no second thought, Jungkook scoots closer and cups Jimin's face leaning in until their lips touch, and he swears its like he forgot how to breathe. He brings himself closer and continues to caress Jimin's cheek with one hand while the other gives a passing rub on Jimin's swollen belly before bringing it around his waist. It is the best feeling in the world having Jimin so close to him again; meshing their lips together as if they are one again. He curse the small pain in his lungs for forcing him to separate for air. He releases his lips from Jimin, but he lingers rubbing their noses together.

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