Chapter 46

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Yoongi grunts in pain, but tries to keep calm as to not frighten Dasom who is in the room as well.

"What is wrong with Uncle Yoongi?" she asks with quivering lips. Mrs. Kim navigates her towards a small area on the carpet while the doctor works on delivering the baby.

"Uncle Yoongi is about to give birth to your cousin, but we have to be real quiet, okay? There is a bad man outside who wants to hurt him, so we have to be careful not to make any noise." She hands Dasom her phone and a pair of earphones to keep her distracted and turns to help the doctor.

"He has exerted too much energy. I am afraid we will have to perform an emergency c-section." He reaches inside his bag and starts taking out extra gloves and surgical knives.

Mrs. Kim looks horrified as she sees the doctor putting Yoongi to sleep. "Right here? Right now? We should wait for help, it could be dangerous."

"Ma'am he is too weak which means the baby is weak. If we wait until the police comes for your husband to bring an ambulance, we could be too late. You could lose them both. It must be done now." Mrs. Kim picks up a spare pair of gloves to help the doctor with the delivery, praying that help gets here soon.


Namjoon swerves into the driveway of his old house and jumps out while Taehyung starts shooting at the guards at the doorway. A second car halts right next to them and Jungkook rushes out and takes cover next to Taehyung.

"What the hell are you doing here. You are supposed to be with Seokjin." Taehyung glares at him.

"They are at the hospital getting everything ready for Yoongi. Mrs. Kim called and let us know he is in labor. Do not tell Namjoon yet, but you are going to need all the help you can get. The doctor said it is not looking good. We have to get him out of here."

With a nod Taehyung proceeds forward taking out the last of the guards and follows Namjoon inside with Jungkook right behind him. "The police should be getting here soon," he points out. "We are just here to hold Kim off for as long as possible until they come arrest him."

The three burst into Mr. Kim's study and see him calmly sitting behind his desk. "You were not the ones I was expecting," he says with a sigh and focuses on Taehyung. "As you know, I have your daughter and friend. I will release both as soon as you bring me my son."

"Not happening. Show me to my daughter and Yoongi and we will not kill you." Taehyung steps close with his gun raised and aimed at Mr. Kim.

"No! I worked my ass off for this company. I never even wanted kids, but my stupid emotional wife would not stop nagging. It is not fair that they get to have everything I worked hard for!"

Jungkook growls in frustration. "What did you think was going to happen?! You kill your son and you get to keep everything? You and my father were idiots. You were so blinded with greed and power you never realized Seokjin and I changed your stupid clause. Our shares were combined and we split them in the divorce so he can sign his share to me. I own half of the company now. Its over, now surrender. The police are on their way already."

Mr. Kim slams his hand on the table and shoots out of his seat and points a gun at Jungkook. "You piece of shit!" he growls before a loud bang is heard throughout the room. 

The three men stare in shock as Mr. Kim stumbles with wide eyes looking behind them before finally falling. They turn to see Mrs. Kim with tears in her eyes and a smoking gun in her hands. "He has hurt you all enough." Her eyes are wide and in shock as if not believing what she just did. "There are more important things to worry about. Yoongi just gave birth."

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