Chapter 47

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Jimin huffs as Seokjin and Yoongi continue to huddle around him trying to get him ready for his 'parental meeting' with Jungkook. "I do not understand why you do not just call it a date," Yoongi says as he fixes Jimin's loose strands of hair.

"Because it is not a date," Jimin rolls his eyes. "We are two people who just so happened to hook up and get pregnant. Jungkook is the father of my child and it is normal for him to take me out every once in a while and look after me."

"He is also going to shred your clothes off once he sees you in this," Seokjin replied suggestively gesturing at Jimin's silk shirt that hangs seductivelyoff one shoulder. "And in your pregnant state, the sex will be even better."

"He has a point," Yoongi adds. "Your body is very sensitive right now. No wonder you did not come home last week. Our poor Minnie must have been exhausted with the night he had." 

Jimin smacks his best friends away from him and searches to see what makeup he can use to hide his flushing cheeks. "Um, we are not doing any of that for now. Last week I did not come home because we had gone for a walk. I was too tired and he offered to carry me to his guest bedroom."

He gets two looks of sympathy from his best friends. "That is fine, your make-out sessions must be in flames by the time you two are done."

Jimin's cheeks turn even more red at Seokjin's comment. "Actually we do not do that either. Jungkook has been a perfect gentleman."

Yoongi rubs a hand down Jimin's shoulder in comfort. "Aww sweetheart, that is not a gentleman, that is a monk."

Jimin glares at his friend and gets up to get his wallet and keys. "Shouldn't you be feeding your baby right now?"

"Namjoon has it covered. Tonight is all about you and how you are going to seduce your Kookie to do very unholy things to you," Yoongi explains.

"Or how you will at least get him to go down on you," Seokjin adds. "I have seen how stressed the company has made you these past several weeks, and you really need a big release," Seokjin advises.

The front doorbell rings and Jimin rolls his eyes as he gets up to gather his things. "Thank you for your help, but Jungkook and I are just co-parenting together. I have come to terms with the fact that things are just better like this, so if you two won't mind I am starving and just want to get through the night."

Yoongi and Seokjin trail behind their friend. They hear crashing from the kitchen and Jimin rolls his eyes again knowing Namjoon and Taehyung are about to blow the house up. "I will be right back," he says allowing his best friends to answer the door for him.

Yoongi swings the front door open to a smiling Jungkook waiting with a bouquet of roses. "What are your plans for tonight?" Yoongi asks unimpressed with his arms crossed not even allowing the other to greet him.

Jungkook chuckles thinking Yoongi is just messing with him, but he clears his throat once Yoongi is still looking unimpressed with a raised eyebrow. "I have reservations at his favorite restaurant, and I called his favorite ice cream shop and made arrangements for them to stay open until later for dessert."

Yoongi stays glaring at his friend until Seokjin shoves him away and Jungkook let's out a deep breath at Seokjin's friendly smile knowing he will always have his back.

"Don't be so tense, Yoongi is just being protective of Jimin," Seokjin says with a big smile and leans closer to Jungkook. "You muscled idiot he thinks you two are just friends," Seokjin whispers through a tight lipped smile causing Jungkook's smile to fade. "I told him I wanted to make this work between us."

Seokjin responds by thumping him in the back of his head. "You have any idea how vague that is? Jimin is a hot piece of ass, and an amazing person. It won't be long until someone succeeds at what you have been failing to do these past few months. So instead of taking him for walks in the park take him back to your place and show him how much you want to get back together. Because I swear on all things holy if I see one more pout on his little plump lips because you have him confused I will personally castrate you myself. Understood?"

With wide eyes Jungkook nods his head and Seokjin smiles. At that moment Jimin finally appears with a big smile on his face once he sees Jungkook with the rose. "Have fun you two," Seokjin gives Jimin a small kiss on the cheek and rubs his belly before heading out. "Do not over exert yourself, and be safe."

Jimin nods at his friends and accepts the flowers with a big smile and let's himself be led out by his 'co-parent'.

Seokjin smiles softly as he sees his friends get into Jungkook's car and drive away. His smile only widens once he feels a warm pair of arms around his waist. "Food is ready," that low voice  he loves so much whispers into his ears.

Seokjin giggles at the tingling sensation and rests his hands on top of his fiancee's. "Easy there tiger. This is not our house."

Taehyung chuckles behind him and rubs his hand on Seokjin's growing belly. "Well then let's hurry up and eat so we can go back home. I am starving to feast on you on our bed."

Seokjin nods and turns around to wrap  his arms around the other. "I still can not believe you are actually here," he whispers as he rests his head on the others shoulder. "I know I probably sound like a broken record, but I really thought I had lost you forever. I had Dasom as the love you left behind, but a piece of my heart died the day you did. It was not until you came back that I finally felt whole again. I do not know how I will ever repay the universe for bringing you back to me," a tear slips out as he pulls away slightly and allows himself to be kissed by the love of his life.

They break apart and Taehyung wipes the tears from Seokjin's eyes and looks at him fondly. "I knew I would always find my way back to you. I am just sorry that it took so long."

Seokjin shakes his head and gives Taehyung another kiss. "I am just glad you are here and that nothing will ever break us apart again."

Taehyung nods in confirmation and the two find warmth again in each other's arms. "Okay you two, we get that you are completely in love, but the food is getting cold," Namjoon interrupts from the dining room.

The couple joins their friends and children in the dining room. As the evening passes there is a tone of excitement and celebration surrounds them all as they feel a weight lifted off their shoulders and the feeling of being able to finally be happy consumes them.

Just a couple more chapters 👀

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