Chapter 35

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Jimin fans himself as Seokjin finishes explaining his earlier interaction with Taehyung before arriving. "Oh my-" he gasps out dramatically, causing Seokjin to roll his eyes playfully as he brings his glass to his lips. "Seokjin, you truly are an idiot."

His comment causes Seokjin to choke on his wine, nearly spitting it out. "Why would you say that?" He asks between coughs.

"I may hate Taehyung most of the time, but I am not blind. I will admit, he is an extremely handsome man. That mysterious and serious aura that surrounds him definitely gives him sexy bonus points, and you let all of that behind to come drink Henri Jayer Cros Parantoux with me," Jimin states in disbelief. "How could you do this to me?"

Seokjin furrows his eyebrows no longer getting Jimin's point. "What do you mean? How does me not jumping Tae's bones affect you?"

Jimin looks at him with even wider disbelief. "What do you mean how does it affect me? I have gotten no action outside of my hand and toys for over six months," he shouts. "I am currently experiencing sex withdrawal. I am at the stage where I can get up for tomato juice at this point which is both disturbing and gross. I am back to my horny teenager self that had to do it at least three times a day to have a goodnights rest. And you my sexy, hot piece of ass friend has two gorgeous gifts from the universe sculpted from the big man himself trying to get into your pants, and you turn your back on both."

"I'm still not with you," Seokjin says.

Jimin grunts in frustration losing patience. "The rules of friendship are if one bestie is going through a dry spell, the other shall have twice as much sex for the both of them. Because then you have two besties sexually frustrated which leads to violence, and that is how world war three starts. Does that make sense? Probably not, but I don't make the rules I just follow them," Jimin rants. "And the rules say that Taehyung presented his penis to you on a silver platter and the right thing for you to do was to grab that platter and feast on it until you choke on it like you did with the wine earlier," he finishes explaining like its the simplest thing in the world.

Seokjin stays staring at his best friend with wide eyes while Jimin reflects on his instant outburst while skeptically looking at his wine glass. "Do you think maybe I've had too much to drink?"

Seokjin contemplates for a couple of seconds before shrugging and taking another sip. "I say bring out the second bottle."

Jimin let's out a sigh of relief and uncorks the unopened bottle on the coffee table. "If you want some action why have you not put yourself out there?" Seokjin asks.

"The whole company turnover has kept me really busy. Taehyung was a fast learner and has been able to manage everything smoothly, but I still need to look over a lot of documents before he signs them so we know we are not getting screwed over. Anyways the men I had been sleeping with lately were just not getting the job done, so I ended it with them." Jimin continues pouring wine in his glass and looks to see Seokjin giving him a knowing look causing him to roll his eyes. "It has nothing to do with Jungkook."

"I never said it was about him," Seokjin shrugs innocently. "But I would not be mad if it was."


"I'm not blind or stupid. I know you still love him, and even though he has tried denying it many times now, he still loves you. I don't see why you can't just rip each others clothes off and let out your frustrations on each other," Seokjin's words start to slur as he succumbs to the effect of the alcohol.

"For the same reason you did not do so with Taehyung earlier. Jungkook is a married man. Specifically married to my best friend, who oddly enough is currently trying to pimp me out to him."

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