Chapter 32

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Taehyung looks down at the couch they were just laying on and wishes the sun never came up to ruin such a wonderful moment. "I'm sorry. You're right. You are a married man now, and when I saw you doze off last night I got carried away in having you in my arms again. I should have contacted Jungkook to come pick you up."

Seokjin nods in agreement and gets his coat. "I want to know exactly everything that happened five years ago. Contact my brother and Yoongi, and tell them that I expect them to gather at my house within the next hour. No excuses."

Taehyung gives him an uneasy expression. "We promise to meet in the next hour for sure, but we can't be at your house."

Seokjin's eyes furrow and his mood dampens. "Excuse me?"

"We will tell you everything you need to know, but you have to meet us in Jimin's apartment." 

Seokjin scoffs and only becomes more annoyed when he sees that Taehyung is being serious.  "I forgot. He's letting his boss room with him, and now I know that's you," he rolls his eyes and throws open the door to Taehyung's office. "We'll be at Jimin's in an hour." He states and walks out.

Although exhausted from last night's events Seokjin pulled through to get himself ready. He avoided his room and went straight to his old one. He's embarrassed to face Jungkook after not spending the night home. He realizes what him staying away insinuates, and it makes him disappointed in himself.

He hears a small knock on the door as he adjusts his clothes. "You didn't come home last night." Jungkook states. He doesn't sound hostile or mad, its as if he's merely stating a fact.

Seokjin stops what he's doing and turns to him. "I know, and I'm sorry. I got carried away with seeing Taehyung again," he realizes how that sounded like when he sees Jungkook's jaw stiffen. "That's not what I meant. I fell asleep in his office, but we didn't do anything. We mostly talked about Dasom until I dozed off."

"Okay." Jungkook runs his fingers through his hair and sits on the bed. "I attacked Yoongi last night," he says slowly.

Seokjin's face shifts from embarrassment to anger upon hearing this. "You did what?! He's pregnant!" He looks around for his phone and realizes he must have left it with Taehyung. "How is he? How could you do this?"

"I was so mad, I wasn't thinking about that. Both him and Namjoon were trying to keep me from going back to the building. I was able to shove Namjoon off, but Yoongi is just too tough. He tackled me to the ground and when I tried to reach for him again he smacked me and I just lounged myself at him. Jimin stopped me before I did something worse. Yoongi called me when I got home last night that the doctor told him he's fine, and no damage was done to the baby. I apologized, but he said he wasn't mad just a little shaken."

"You're lucky nothing happened. Namjoon would have destroyed you." Seokjin made no effort to hide that he was still mad about Jungkook's actions and reached to put his shoes on.

"Yeah. I know." Jungkook continues looking down in shame still scolding himself for losing control the way he did. "I hated my father for being the cause of my baby dying, and last night I almost became him."

Seokjin's eyes soften and takes Jungkook's hands in his own. "You are nothing like your father. He mocked you when you lost your baby, while you still kept updated to make sure Yoongi was okay even though you're angry at him, so don't say that. What's important is that he's fine, okay?"

"What about you?" Jungkook questions. "Are you fine? Are we fine?"

Seokjin sighs. "I'm confused. On one hand, I'm as pissed off as you are. My brother and Yoongi constantly saw the state I was in and didn't have the decency to tell me Taehyung was alive this whole time. Jimin had also been back for two weeks, and had many opportunities to tell me and didn't. But I'm also so happy he's alive. Dasom gets to live a life that has her father in it-"

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