Chapter 24

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6 months later

Jungook massages his temples trying to soothe his growing headache. "You have all witnessed how incompetent Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon have been these past several months. Maybe it is time for us to release them of their positions."

Mr. Lee snaps his head at the new CEO of the company as if he had gone mad. "How could you propose such an idea. This is your father you want to remove from the company."

"And I have a lot of respect for my father," Jungkook lies, "but as a businessman, I must think of what is best for this company. We have lost too many investors, due to my father's harsh behavior and Mr. Kim's explosive anger."

"Sir Jungkook is right," Jungkook's personal secretary chimes in, "Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon have had many problems with some of our partners. This conference room is starting to sport empty seats because some of our allies have left to MinKim Security."

Mr. Lee looks around the room as this information is being relayed and notices two more empty spaces from the last time they had all met. "It is time that we make a change," Jungkook announces with a stern voice that is meant to leave no room for argument, "At the rate we are going, we will have to file for bankruptcy within the next two years unless we remove the sources of our recent misfortune. I hope I can have everyone on board with this decision."

Mr. Lee let's out a sigh in disappointment but gives in nodding his head. "We will vote to make it official in our next meeting two months from now. If nothing has changed or the situation gets worse, you will have my vote to remove Kim Gangsoo and Jeon Heokyung permanently from their positions." With a final nod from everyone in the room, the meeting is adjourned and Jungkook rushes out of the office.


A small smile tugs at his lips when he opens the front door seeing Seokjin playing with Dasom, and he can't help but picture if that would be Jimin with their own baby if the unfortunate had not happened. He shakes his head trying to rid himself of those thoughts again as he takes a step closer to Seokjin and Dasom in her playpen. He has been walking in to the same sight everyday for six months and he has yet to get bored of it. This is the moment he constantly looks forward to everyday he's at work.

"How is the princess of the castle?" He coos as he reaches for her and starts giggling along with her.

"She missed you. She was serious all day and would not eat her food," Seokjin complained.

Jungkook lifts Dasom over his head and starts blowing raspberries on her tummy causing her to laugh uncontrollably. "I agree I tasted that mush thinking it would help her eat it. That thing was nasty. I spit it back out, right baby?" he continues playing with her.

Seokjin smacks him on the arm continues to complain. "That's why she won't eat it. She only eats things when she sees you eat them."

"What can I say? She loves Uncle Kook the best, right Dasomie?" She continues giggling in agreement melting his heart from the stressful day at work.

Seokjin rolls his eyes and starts cleaning up the toys and putting them away. "Don't let Uncle Joonie hear you. He is your competition on who's name she will be able to say next. She already has Joo down."

"Just like she also has Koo. We are both one letter away from being second place after Appa," he says happily as he starts clapping her hands with his.

"Actually its third," Seokjin says softly.

Jungkook looks at him confused and his face falls, "don't tell me Hoseok beat us with Hobie."

"No actually earlier today I was going through pictures and she let out te-te. It was a picture I took of Taehyung while he was sleeping."

Jungkook looks back at Dasom and gives her a small smile. "That's good. You know Te-te," he teases her slightly, "you look a lot like him."

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