Chapter 30

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Jimin hisses at his roommate.

"I live here," Taehyung replies as if its the most obvious thing in the world. He lowers himself to Seokjin's level and reaches to caress his cheek, but his hand is slapped away by Jimin.

"You weren't supposed to get back until next week, and don't touch him in his sleep. That's creepy."

Taehyung gets up and smacks Jimin's hand away. "I ended up meeting with Paris and Germany at the same time, so I was able to come back a week earlier. Namjoon also called to tell me that Dasom has been asking for me, and calm down. It was only a caress. I wasn't going to devour him right here and now."

Jimin crossed his arm as he glances at Seokjin passed out on the couch. "You could wake him up. Its too risky for you to be here."

"He's going to find out I'm not dead by next week anyways. I don't understand why I can't just tell him right now. Anyways I walked past the empty wine bottles in the kitchen, he's not waking up any time soon."

"Still you can't be here. I think it will be best if you sleep at a hotel for the night. I'll let you know when he leaves."

Taehyung looks back down at Seokjin. He's amazed at how captivated he still gets by Seokjin's natural beauty after years of being away. "Just one hour," he starts to plead. "This is the closest I've been to him since he had Dasom four years ago."

Jimin shakes his head and takes a step to block Seokjin from Taehyung's view. "No, you can't do that to him. He's a married man now Taehyung. Have you even picked up the self-help books I recommended?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the though of the stupid books Jimin had purchased for him when they had found out Seokjin and Jungkook had decided to move on. Jimin spent the whole week sleeping around to eventually get over it, but Taehyung had drank himself to sleep for months, setting back their timeline due to him having to retake a couple of courses and getting help for his drinking problem.

His three friends grew worried of the path he was going down, but were able to convince him to keep going with the plans so he can reconnect with his daughter. Along with the help, Jimin bought him books about moving on that were meant to inspire him. They ended up boring him and he donated them to a library.

"They didn't fit in the suitcase," he grumbled instead. "If you won't give me an hour at least five minutes."

"You'll see him plenty after next week. Don't forget you agreed on our collaboration," Jimin argues.

Taehyung scowls but gives in. "Fine, but how dare you have him sleep on the couch. I'm carrying him to your room," he says shoving Jimin to the side and picking Seokjin up in his arms.

"He's lost weight," Taehyung comments. "Jungkook's probably not feeding him well."

"Shut it and hurry up before you wake him." Jimin follows behind and watches as Seokjin is placed gently on his bed.

Taehyung looks fondly at him as he moves his hair out of his face. "Taehyung," Jimin calls out. He feels sorry for interrupting, but he really can't risk outing Taehyung right now. They still haven't gotten confirmation from what could possibly their most trusted ally. "You have to go."

Taehyung nods and places a kiss on Seokjin's temple and walks out towards the kitchen. He prepares a soup and a kettle of tea ready for Seokjin when he wakes up.

"Make sure he eats and drinks this when he wakes up. Draw him a warm bath and make sure he drinks a lot of water throughout the day. If possible have him take naps throughout the day as well," he instructs. "Hangovers are always his sick days. Take care of him for me."

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