Chapter 15

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Taehyung signals the guards in the entrance to hold their position and close the doors to the ballroom. Although, he is the main guard on duty that doesn't stop him from positioning himself in spots where he has a clear view of Seokjin. His eyes trail to Seokjin who has now dyed his hair purple to spite his father after being told that his blonde hair looked ridiculous and to dye it back to its natural color. 

Seokjin is currently having a competition with Jungkook over who can place the most dumplings in their mouths with Jimin acting as their referee. Seokjin had gone first, able to fit seven. Taehyung had to admit that he found it impressive to see the tall purple haired beauty fit so much in his mouth, and also adorable not knowing just how big Seokjin's cheeks could get. He shook his head of the thoughts trying to cloud it. After the night at the cabin, things went back to normal between the two. Just as Seokjin requested, it was as if nothing happened between them. If Seokjin's ignorance is something that bothers Taehyung then he doesn't show it, but it is secretly getting on his nerves.

His attention is diverted when one of his coworkers walks up next to him. "You are so lucky to have gotten the hot Kim to look after. The things I would do to him if you gave me five min-" the other gets automatically caught off as Taehyung pushes him into the nearby restroom with his hand on his throat. 

"If you want to keep this job, you watch your damn mouth. You keep your nasty gaze and hands to yourself," Taehyung roars at him. Fear is evident in the other's eyes as he lifts his hands up in surrender.

"It was a joke," he says slightly gasping for air. "I promise I won't go anywhere near him." Taehyung releases his hold on him and Ethan takes the time to straighten himself out. "Anyways, look at him. He has grown up in luxurious hands. Someone like him is totally out of our league. He would never bat an eye at our direction unless we had the funds to keep him."

It disgusted Taehyung to hear the way Ethan was speaking about Seokjin, and painting him as an object rather than a person, but he knew that if he did it would raise questions he was better off not answering. Instead he kept his cold gaze on his coworker, and both bodyguards step out of the bathroom once they hear a tapping on the microphone coming from the main room. "Our dear guests, thank you for coming. I have gathered you all today to make an important announcement," Mr. Kim speaks into the microphone. Taehyung listens intently while his attention continues to be on Seokjin and his friends. It is now Jungkook who is currently trying to fit as many dumplings in his mouth. Taehyung finds himself smiling a bit when he sees Seokjin laugh hysterically at his best friend. He had not laughed like that since his brother left, and Taehyung didn't realize how much he missed seeing it until now.

Taehyung shakes his head realizing the thoughts he was having. There is now way that he can have these feelings towards the son of his boss. He turns his sight back to the stage where Mr. Kim is still speaking. "I want to ask all you to join us in this celebration as I announce the engagement of my youngest son, Kim Seokjin, to Jeon Jungkook of Jeon's Incorporated." The venue lights up with gasps and applause. Taehyung freezes in surprise and when he snaps back to reality, he snaps his head towards Seokjin's direction, but he is no longer there. The only one he sees is Jungkook who is standing frozen with a mouthful of dumplings and wide eyes.

"Shit," Taehyung mutters as he looks around and does not spot a single strand of purple anywhere. He rushes out of the venue as he orders the others to keep an eye out once guests starts to leave. Taehyung rushes to the parking garage when he hears that Seokjin has left the building. He rushes to the vehicle he came in, but stops for a second when he sees Jimin sitting in the car next to his crying his eyes out behind the wheel. He remembers Jimin as being Jungkook's current lover, so its understandable why he is in this state. He wants to make sure the smaller man is okay, but he has no time, so he gets in his car and drives off, but let's the valet know not to let Jimin go anywhere without clearing it with Jungkook first.

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