Chapter 21

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The closer Taehyung walks to the operating room, the faster his heart pounds into his chest. He's so excited, but he's scared after being told that there are issues in the pregnancy. The nurse stops him before they enter, and gives Taehyung a chance to put the scrubs over his clothes. Once he lifts the mask to his face, he gives the nurse a small nod and they walk into the room.

It feels as if his world stops once he sees Seokjin laying in the middle of the room, cut open with doctors huddled around him. One of them must have noticed his panic state because he cuts his thoughts, "it's not as bad as it looks. This is just how we are able to get to the baby."

The baby. His baby. The fact keeps running through his mind and yet he can't believe he's lucky enough to be here to witness it. "So are you just going to stand there, or do you want to take a seat next to your husband?" The doctor asks jokingly, snapping Taehyung out of his trance and walks towards the beauty to take a seat next to him.

"She really had us scared at the beginning," the doctor says as he continues working on Seokjin, "she wouldn't move and positioned herself awkwardly. Turns out she's just so excited to be here, she decided to come out early. I know the nurse can be a bit brutal when explaining the situation, but that's how we have to be when we're not sure what we're working with, but I can assure you now that they are both going to be okay."

Taehyung let's out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding and looked back at Seokjin. "You hear that baby? She's going to be fine," he whispers as he runs his fingers through the others hair. He leans over and plants a small kiss on his forehead, and lets his lips linger closely not wanting to let go. He basks in Seokjin's scent and the way his skin is still so soft, and he finds himself tearing up when he realizes this is the only time he'll be able to do this.

He hears the doctor call out to one of his assistants and he momentarily freaks out until the doctor turns to him with calm eyes and he suddenly hears a high pitched cry. His gaze goes to a tiny lump being passed around from doctor to nurse. "Congratulations sir, you're a father now," he says with a smile. "She will have to go through many tests and check ups, since she came early, but she's off to a good start." 

Taehyung continued to sit frozen, unsure what to do. He doesn't want to leave Seokjin's side but at the same time he wants to see his baby. "You can check on her. I assure you that he'll be fine."

Taehyung nods and gives one last kiss to Seokjin's temple and whispers one last 'I love you' before joining the nurses. They're currently washing her off, and he realizes, "she looks like a shriveled up potato," he lets out before he can stop himself. The nurses laugh at his comment as they check the baby's heartbeat.

"Yeah all babies look like that once they're born, but trust us she'll grow into her looks, specially when she has parents that look like models." Taehyung blushes at the compliment as they start wrapping her into a blanket, and there is something about his baby that catches his eye.

'She's already growing into her appa's lips' he thinks and already knows that all she would have to do is pout like her appa and it would have him down on his knees as her slave. In that moment he realizes that anything he has and all that he is will forever be hers. He looks back at the love of his life and is given a thumbs up by the doctor and both Seokjin and the baby get wheeled out into a regular private room.

"It's important that she stay incubated, so her organs finish developing properly, but we also want to make sure that she establishes a bond, which is really important once a baby is born so we will allow her to stay with appa and daddy for one hour and I will be back later to take her with the other babies," the nurse explains. "Since your husband is asleep you will have to help hold your baby close to both of you. Although we regularly wouldn't allow this, for this one time I recommend you lay next to your husband and I will teach you how to hold her properly."

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