Unbound Part 34

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Rulin stood before us with a smug look on her face my hands itch to beat off I cannot believe I let her trick me. She stared at me for a minute than turned to stared at David she looked at us as if she were our mother and she caught us stealing cookies out the cookie jar.

"I know you're not helping them escape David." she said with her arms crossed  waking toward us.

"As you can tell she needs help I am not a doctor but something tells me she needs one so,move." he said looking at me then back at Rulin who looked at me with hate in her eyes the feeling was mutual.

"The mutt is none of our concern we are to keep her here as bait let her let her little friend here deal with it." She said looking at Emily smiling I looked at Emily who looked scared and seconds away from passing out.

"I rather not how about you move out of the way or I can move you myself." David said stepping closure to Rulin and standing in front of us as if he was protecting us. This was weird I spent months hating this guy and now he was on our side this must be a trick.

"So, you choose these weak humans over your sister?" Rulin said

"I choose for once to do something good." David said

"Well you will die with them!" she said

"What do you think you can kill me?" he said in amusing tone.

"She can't but I can!" a woman dressed in black tank top and black distressed jeans and black biker boots her eyes were red and her hair was midnight black this had to be David sister.

"You would kill the only family that you have for what?" David said

"Like I warn you earlier I will kill all who stood in my way even you!" she said walking toward us.

"I hate  you see it that way." David said with a growl as he crouches preparing to fight.

"Oh, dear brother it was nice knowing you." Said as she growl and in a blink of an eye, they were clawing at each other.

"Emily, we need to go." I whispered to Emily who stood beside me watching the siblings trying to kill each other it looked like David was winning at first as he pinned her to the ground.

"What about David?" she asked looking at David as his sister reversed positions as she pinned him to the ground with a knife to his throat that she got from her boot.

"Emily are you serious you were just damning him to hell!" I said looking at Emily who looked at me confused.

"He stood up for me for us." She said never looking at me her eyes stayed on David looking genuinely concern.

"Aw that is so sweet that you think you are going to walk out of that door alive." Rulin said the little home wrecker all this was her fault.

"What's really sweet is that you thought Blake gave a damn about you." I said with a smile on my face I knew that would upset her and I was right.

"Blake is a fool, when he is done with you he will discard you like the worthless trash that you are." she said through clenched teeth as she crouch preparing to attack me I, knew the thing I fought for weeks to not become I would need to be just that to be protect my unborn babies. I pushed Emily behind me

"Emily run!" I growled as she did not question, I did not see her hide behind the green sofa. A growled build up in my throat as I gave in to the ice spiders that crawl beneath the surface of my skin I felt the burning eyes as my vision seem to be sharper I could see every little detail of the cabin. It was as if I was staring at the world through a magnifying glass. I could hear Emily heartbeat frantically beating I could smell her fear her confusion over what was happening. I could even sense her love for David who was still pinned to the ground with a blade to his heart as he struggled to stop the attack. I screamed and fell to my knees as pained gripped me with my hands to the cold wooded ground I felt as if invisible bands were breaking from my mind, I couldn't explain how free I felt. I felt as if I was a slave bound to the dark for years and now I was seeing the light. I was finally free my once perfect manicured pink nails were replaced with black animal like claws I felt power rush through my veins I looked up as Emily screamed.

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