Chapter-New troubles

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I know i haven't updated in awhile so that  why i tried to write a longer chapter but i hope you enjoy it:-)



 "Whats up should be in bed.i said rubbing her arms and she blinked at me.

"I got hungry..she said

"Okay come on.i took her hand and lead her to the bar stool and made her sit down as i looked into the fridge for something for her to eat

"What do you have a taste for..but when she didn't say anything i asked again, but still she didn't say i turned around and felt my mouth dropped as i saw Ebony eyes closed  drinking the glass of blood i was drinking earlier.

"Ebony?i asked walking slowly  around the counter.

She open her eyes and looked at me as if coming out of an shock..she sat the glass down and stood up and stare at me in horror..

" to me..she whispered out taking a step back. 


"What is wrong with me?

"I don't know.."don't know but i will find out...i said walking toward her and wrapping my arms around her shaking form-"I promise i will..I vowed she nodded her head as she clunged  to me.

I will even  if i had to ask the last person i wanted to.

My sister..



I awoke to  terrible hunger pains   i sat up and threw the cover off of me  and stood up, maybe i could find something to eat then  go back to sleep, being pregnant is very tiring ..i feel  like i haven't slept in years or ate for that matter.

I walked into the living room and saw Blake standing there talking on the phone or more like rushing someone off the phone, i wonder who that was as he let out an sigh. The stomach pains begin to  worsen..i wench at  feel of it.

''Blake! i called his name he turned around and stared at me 

"what's up  baby,you should be in bed..he said walking over to me rubbing my arms and the hurger pains became more persists..

"I got hungry.i said which was an understatement i felt like i could eat a horse, better yet a whole ranch of cattle right now..

"Okay come on..Blake said grabbing my hand as he led me to the black stool that i sat on earlier, i sat down and watched as he walked around the counter and open the fridge..

"What do you have an taste for? he asked i was about to tell him it doesn't matter but something smelled wonderful and it made the hunger pains in my stomach unbearable.I was about to tell him i will take whatever that delicious smell was but stopped when i looked down and in front of me was a glass of Blood! had to be.

I'm Pregnant! with my teacher/vampire babyWhere stories live. Discover now