[*Chapter One*]

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Something hard and bony poked Darcy in the cheek, bringing her out of her blissful sleep. The poking stopped. She attempted to go back to sleep, snuggling into her faithful pillow, only to feel another poke on the other cheek. She huffed, refusing to open her eyes. That was until whatever it was, tried to peel them open. She was greeted by no other than her brother, who laughed rolling on his bed at her annoyed expression.

"Really, Jer? What are we 12?" The fool never replied too busy laughing his annoying ass off. A smirk graced her plump lips. Deciding to get him back, Darcy pushed him off the bed. He went tumbling down with a girly shriek and a thump. "Ha! Shouldn't have woke me up JerJer." She jumped out of bed, grabbing her clothes and towel off Jeremy's dresser and skipped out into the hallway, being the best sister in the world, she repeatedly banged on Elena's bedroom door until she got a response, "Alright, Jackhammer, I'm up!" With a snicker, she strutted her way over to Jenna's bathroom.


Darcy exhaled a breath of relief as she reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped outside, breathing in the crisp air of the dawn. The sun rays shined down on her ebony locks; the tresses appear cosmic blue. Closing her brown doe eyes, she basks in the glorious warmth, gracing her bare arms. Taking a graceful seat on the swing with a blissful smile, she basks in the bright golden sunlight gracing her with its morning presence. Head tilted back, and eyes closed, embracing the warm glow. Darcy can hear Elena talking to her journal, Jenna running around in the kitchen like a headless chicken, and her darling little brother Jeremy, cursing, slamming his closet doors and moaning about why does he have to go back to school.

She reminisces over the last few months, losing her parents to an unfortunate death rocked her to the core, not only her, but her little brother and sister, and her awesome Aunt Jenna.

Jenna saw it in her good heart to take on three troublesome siblings. She didn't have to, but couldn't see them suffer on their own, and for that, Jenna will always have a special place in her heart.

After the funeral things between the siblings changed, Jeremy turned to drink and drugs, it broke Darcy's heart seeing her baby brother wasting away right in front of her eyes. And then there's Elena, who wanted to become the mother hen of them all, put on a façade to forget anything happened. When in fact behind her closed bedroom door, she writes in her journal, harbouring a guilty heart. She feels to blame of our parent's death. Although, Darcy has never once blamed her for the accident, because that's what it was, an unfortunate accident which took two loving parents away.

And then there's Darcy, the one who's supposed to be the strong and protective, just like she's always promised. She was her father's warrior, his little protectress. The fierce Gilbert, no one hurt her family, or they fear her wrath. But behind that front wall, she's just a 17-year-old teenage girl, who lost her best friend, broken on the inside, struggling to keep everything from tumbling apart. Yet, Darcy has to push away all the consuming agony and look after her family before they break apart.

She couldn't sit around watching over as her brother became a lost soul, Elena punishing his attempts of grieving. So with the consent of Jenna and Elena's protests, Darcy wanted to be in charge of looking after Jeremy, which was a good thing, after a break at their families cabin. Jeremy has made a massive improvement with Darcy's constant support, forever grateful for kicking him up the ass, and bringing him back upon his feet. Ready to start the new school year, but he knows with his big sister at his side, he can battle whatever's thrown his way. They are back, better than before, ready for whatever be hurled their way.


The front door opens. Jenna sticks her head out, "Coffee?" She asks with a hopeful smile. Darcy throws her a thumbs up and stands up, following her into the house. They pass through the lounge as the TV plays the news broadcasting the deaths of Darren and Brook.

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