[*Chapter Eighteen*]

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A super-duper-long chapter! Enjoy! I had so much fun writing this. Darcy's plot begins officially from now 💜

Darcy pushes through the school's main doors, the warm sun glimmers through her ebony curls, teasing them with a glint of midnight blue. Fluttering her eyes, she breathes in the crisp air, centring her core, and exhales gently, allowing her clustered mind clear of its garbled thoughts.

Where the hell did Alaric get the ring? The extremely reminiscent of her fathers and uncle John's. It cant be a coincidence, could it? He's certainly not family. She taps her chest—nimble digits caress the smooth band through her black tee. Another breath rushes out in relief.

Darcy flickers her orbs open, her gaze locks on the Bennett witch walking in haste towards the parking lot and a cocky 5 ft 10 blood-sucking-leech following in her wake. She pouts her ruby lips and stamps her foot like a child having a tantrum, knowing Damon Salvatore was up to no good.

Why? Why couldn't there be a normal day without pesky vampires sticking there big noses where they don't belong?

Yeah, right, like that would happen. Laughing at her own question, the protectress treads across the lush lawn leaves crinkling together with her graceful strides. She comes to a stop a few feet away, close enough to listen to their conversation, and from the look on Bonnie's face, she was none too pleased.

"I'm gonna scream," Bonnie said as she walks past him to her car.

"Oh, no, don't do that. Let's stay on point. I want my necklace." Damon drew out the word my, asserting it was his and not hers.

Darcy sighed, that damn necklace has been nothing but trouble. What's so important about an ugly piece of jewellery anyway? She recalls Damon saying it belonged to an old friend and he wanted it back.

"Well. You can't have it." She mimicked.

"I can't take it, but you can give it to me. I'm trying to help you here."

"I don't want your help." Bonnie stood her ground, and Darcy couldn't be more proud of her friend standing up for herself.

"You do want my help, and you don't even know it. You know why, little which?" Darcy stays alert, ready to intervene if things turn south. She watches his every move as he deliberately steps forward with each pace until he pushed Bonnie up against the car. "Cause you've stumbled into something you need to stumble out of."

"Just leave me alone, or I swear..." She cuts off seeing Darcy behind Damon's back, her baby blue flashing with mirth. "Darce.."

"Darcy will shove her other 6-inch heel up your arse. I suggest you let her go." She sang sweetly.

Damon groaned hanging his head, releasing the brunette he spun around pinning the lithe huntress with a mild glare. Does she have a Damon detector or something? How does she show up whenever he's about?

"Oh, no. No threats." Turning back to the witch. "A, you hurt me last time. B, I wish you no harm. Believe it or not Bonnie, I want to protect you. Let me help you get Emily off your back." He said as Darcy looked between them feeling confused. An odd sensation prickles in her abdomen, sending a ripple of alarm down her spine, hearing the woman's name.

"He knows about Emily?"

Bonnie returned her look and shrugged. "How do you know about her?"

Damon nodded. "The friend." He elaborated. Darcy hummed at the new information. "I know a lot of things, and I know more about that crystal than you do, and I know that she's using it to creep inside of you." Darcy sees the fearful expression on Bonnie's face and walks closer, wrapping her arm around her shoulders. She doesn't like this feeling, something dark is drawing nearer, and she has an inkling it has to do with Bonnie. Her instincts to protect her best friend rise and fester, crawling under her skin.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚: Abeyance || D.S & S.S (TVD) **REWRITING**Where stories live. Discover now