Yes... I'm still alive.

1.2K 44 16

Yup, still very much alive, still staring at my screen, now years later, thinking where the fook has time has gone and why haven't I still gotten this final update up. Well, the truth is, folks...

My fire has gone, poof, flew right out of the window and landed on the cold hard ground with a big fat SPLAT! Capoosh, gone, vanished, and with no clue when it wants to rear its ugly head. However...

However, that doesn't mean I have given up. I'm not a quitter! Once I start something, I must see the end, and I'm sure you guys want/need to reach the end of Darcella's story. I live, breathe, eat, sleep, and poop that girl. We've become one. Is that even possible? No lie, I even dream of the girl, and she's not even real *cries*. And when that's not happening, my Twitter pops up with posts from Joseph Morgan and Daniel Gillies, and I'm like... damn, give a gal a break. But, nope, and here we are again 15.6k words later. 

Actually, let me double-check... 16.2k!

Random question, and yes, I'm blabbering (again), do you believe in such things as perfection? I know we shouldn't aim for that as there's no such thing as perfect. Yet, my stupid brain fails to comprehend that, and since this story has come alive and somehow you guys love Darcy and the Salvatore boys', I need it to be perfect to the point I'm trying too hard, and it's turning out shite. The number of times I've rewritten these 3/4 (maybe 5) chapters, I've lost my sanity and borderline having a mental breakdown. No-fault but to myself.

Again, I'm not giving up. And I know you would rather prefer the full update, but I'm afraid If I stay sitting in front of my laptop any longer, I'll throw the damn thing out of the window along with my brain. Heck, it might as well be my whole damn body at this point. Yeah, I know tad bit dramatic, but ya get what ya get. I need a little confidence boost.

Anyways, I'm gonna love ya and leave ya and get a chapter up tonight for you. I'm literally right at the end. I'll try and pull an all-nighter to get that done. You don't understand how bad I feel for constantly letting you all down (if people are still around).

P.S what are your thoughts on male OCs?

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚: Abeyance || D.S & S.S (TVD) **REWRITING**Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu