*Please Read!*

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I'm sorry to do this, guys. If I don't, then I will let it continue and muster into a bigger problem than it already is.

While most of you love Darcy and accept her with flaws and all, It's come to my attention that others may not, and that is okay. I know not all will love her as you and I will/do. However, I will not tolerate hateful comments and backlashing. It's not acceptable, words can hurt, and they can attack our conscience. 

I love reading all your comments and thoughts, and I love it even more, when you grow to love Darcy as I do. It's also a guide that I am doing something right and on the right path.

Criticism can be our friend, but it can also be soul-crushing, especially when it is negative. This will probably go for other writer's out there and those who are beginners just like me. If you don't have anything nice to say, If you do comment on something hateful, harmful, and downright rude, then don't bother at all. 

I understand you may come across something that will not make you happy and might tick you off - that's okay, it happens. Move on, don't linger. If you need me to clear something up, you can kindly comment or PM me.

However, if you don't want to read anymore because "the story is dumb", "Darcy isn't a badass and does not actually kill. Instead she got beaten up". Then don't. You're basically saying she is weak. This is the chapter where she got shot with wooden bullets in the graveyard scene after they had found Vicki (after she turned into a vampire). The same happened to Stefan. What does that say about him? He's a vampire. Is he weak too? 

Darcy is human (for now). She is going to and will get hurt. It's unavoidable. It's realistic. She's not durable and does not bend like a toy. 

Or Darcy claims to love Jeremy, yet she allowed Vicki to sleep with her brother and allowed Damon to compel him. Ask Julie Plec the same question... I'm just following the plot *rolls eyes*.

Let me clear some things up... 

Yes, Damon compelled Jeremy. However, he did not wipe his memory of Vick's death. Darcy actually told him the truth about vampires and what her role is (a hunter). Damon only took away Jeremy's grief. And as you know, Darcy did not like Vicki because of her general lifestyle and how she treated Jeremy and Matt. Again, she is not his mother. She can't and will not control his life. That would become a toxic relationship. I don't want that. She is not Elena. 

Jeremy plays an important role in Darcy's story. 

You have probably come to learn Darcy is Darcella Mikealson. They are one person. They share two storylines in one persona. I'm basically writing two characters in the form of one. But they are still the same person. Understood? 

This is now a Damon and Stefan love story. Originally it was only Stefan until I decided to make Darcy dependant, but then I saw the chemistry sparking between the three and decided to go with poly. Because why not? It's my story. I carry the ropes.

Others have been about loose plot holes and maybe some repetitive actions. Those are okay. Keep in mind that this is my first time story, my first time creating a character and their storyline. I'm going to make mistakes, and criticism is acceptable only if it's positive. How are we supposed to learn without it?

 I will end this here. I'm sorry for the depressing update. Because of this and my stupidness, the next update will be late because Let The Right One In didn't save before shutting off my laptop. Meaning I have to start again.


That is all!

- C

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