chapter 17 The Awakening

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The worlds fells slowly and the sun shined brightly in the sky. The wind blew softly as Jorge suddenly woke up. He felt no pain as if, he wasn't in a fight at all. He looks over at the lake to see a wolf demon sitting down there drinking water. The wolf demon looked as if, he was tired from a battle with another ferocious demon.

Jorge slowly gets up looking around. "Hey? Where's Kagome?" He asked with wonder. The young wolf demon looked towards him feeling relaxed. "Oh what's your hurry. She went to the village to go and collect more meds." He rests his hand on his head. "She said your injuries look severe."


In the light of the village, Elizabeth was picking some meds. "THANK YOU AND GOODBYE!" She smiles and waves. "No problem." A man waves back. Elizabeth exits back into the forest. She suddenly hears a noise. She looks up  and drops the meds onto the ground with her eyes widen and shook fear.


"WHAT?! I DON'T NEED TO BE SITTING HERE WITH A SCRAWNY WOLF BOY LIKE YOU!" Jorge yells ferociously. Koga narrows his eyes. "That mutt is so stubborn." He gets in his face with anger. "HEY LISTEN?! YOUR THE ONE WHO PUT MY KAGOME IN DANGER. SO WHY DON'T YOU DO WHAT SHE SAYS AND LAY DOWN FOR A WHILE!"

"WHY YOU LITTLE..." Jorge was cut off, when someone else spoke. Why don't you both stop. They both turned to see Miroku along with Victoria, and Trevor. Jorge glares at them. "HEY?! WELL HE STARTED IT!" He looks away and crosses his arms.

Trevor looks around. "Hey? Where's Kagome?" He asks looking back and forth. She went to go and get some herbs for the mutt here. Koga says pointing at the half demon mutt flaming with anger.


Hours have pasted since they all last heard of Elizabeth. Trevor looks up at Miroku with worry. "Kagome isn't back yet. Shouldn't we go and search for her?" Miroku sighs. I guess that would be best. Miroku agrees closing his eyes for a second.

Miroku turns to the young beautiful demon slayer polishing her Hiraikotsu. "Hey Sango?" Victoria looks up at him. "Hmm?" "I'm going to look for Kagome. Do you wanna come?" Victoria gets up. "Now that you mention it. She begins to feel a little worried. "It has been a while." She steps to his side. 

Jorge was sitting down on the blanket. "Oh Elizabeth? I wish you were here already. So I can tell you. That I'm..." That thought suddenly left his mind when Miroku called to him. "INUYASHA?! WHERE GOING TO FIND KAGOME! YOU STAY HERE AND WAIT INCASE SHE COMES BACK!" Miroku says as, he exits along with Victoria and, Trevor.

THIS IS RIDICULOUS! I'M STUCK HERE WHILE EVERONE ELSE IS OUT THERE SEARCHING FOR KAGOME! Stupid." He sits down like a dog pouting with his eyes narrowed with anger. "Oh calm down mutt face. Your the one who put my Kagome in danger." Koga says laying down waving his hand up in the air. Jorge immediately jumps up making a fist. "HEY?! WHAT'S THAT SUPPOST TO MEAN?!" Koga flew up in the air. "Oh well. I'd love to stay and chat but I need to start looking for my dear Kagome." SIA LATER MUTT FACE!" Koga forms a skinny twister and disappears without a trace.



Miroku and Victoria step towards Trevor to see that he picked up a small basket with a big red ribbon on it. The basket looked scratched  as if, it was worn up by a bunch of wild animals. the meds that were inside and outside of the basket were torn to shreds all except for one. Miroku picks it up. Victoria turns to him with worry. "She wouldn't just leave for basket here." Trevor looks up at them. "What do you think happened?" Miroku looked deeply at the torn up meds. "Looks like there's been an excitant or a fight. Miroku slowly looks at them with concern. "I  think Kagome's been kidnapped.

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