chapter 19 Telling the Truth is Hard

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The sun shined brightly in the sky as, the birds began to sing.

Wow, that sleep was better then usual.

Elizabeth gets up starching feeling thankful. She suddenly hears a noise outside and looks over to see Trevor trying to pick an apple out of the tree. "Come on." Trevor said feeling frustrated. "Here." Elizabeth heads over. "Let me help." She stretches her arm out here grab one. 

Jorge looked at them feeling anxious. "Elizabeth? I'm not sure if you can forgive me but I gotta try." He slowly heads over trying not to shake. "Umm, Kagome? I need to talk to you." Elizabeth looks at him smiling as, her beautiful eyes sparkled like diamonds. She looked as if, he was the best thing that ever happened to her. "Sure."

Jorge looked down at the ground trying not to shake. "Come on. You can do this." "Rem..." He was cut off by Akitoki. "Hey Kagome." He smiles with joy. "Did you and your friends sleep well last night?" Elizabeth smiles back giving the apple to Trevor. "Oh yes, we did. Thank you."

"Umm? Kagome?" Jorge was cut off again by Trevor this time. "Thank you for the apple." Trevor sits on the ground beginning to eat the apple. Jorge sighs with annoyance. He rolls his eyes. 


The room was dark  and gloomy with pitch black. It was as if, it was hell.



Kagura says stepping in. They're will be heading here soon. Naraku says smirking. "Do you wish for me to kill them my beloved?" Nura says giggling with a smirk on her face. "Not quite." He looks out the window to see one of his bees trying to get back in throw his barrier. 


Miroku stands there waiting for an anwser. "So where is he?" He asks waiting patiently. The old man slowly looks up at him. "I don't remember. It's so hard to remember but I was told he was last seen hiding near the mountains some where around there." The old man points. "Thanks for your help." Trevor jumps on Miroku's shoulder.




Emma rushes up to him. "YOU NEED TO KEEP UP!" Jaken says feeling annoyed. "I-I'm..." Emma was just about to finish her sentence until suddenly, Jaken felt a gust of wind behind him. They looked to see it was Sesshomaru. "OH LORD SESSHOMARU!" Jaken boals down on the ground hoping he won't get punished for yelling at her.

Emma looks away. "Ok. This is getting awkward. I need to tell him the truth." "Umm? Lord Sesshomaru?" Emma begins to feel hot and shaky. Sesshormaru looks at her. "Hmm?" "There's something I need to tell you." Emma says looking down at the ground feeling anxious. "Well?" Sesshomaru waits for her to answer. Just then, he smells a familiar sent. "Wait A minute? I know that sent." He turns to Jaken glaring. "Jaken?" Jaken looks up at him with worry. "Yes my lord." Stay here and watch Rin." Jaken trys to keep up with him. "Wait but where are you going my lord?" Jaken breaths heavily. Sesshomaru disappears in a flash. 


Later on that day, Jorge goes out to looks for Elizabeth again. He continues to walk until, he hears some voice by the lake. He sneaks in to see Elizabeth with Victoria giggling. They had snakes with them. "So I heard you and Miroku spent some time together." Elizabeth says teasing her. Victoria turns away polishing her kitokosu. "KNOCK IT OFF KAGOME! I DON'T SEE ANYTHING IN THAT PERVERT!" She closes her eyes for a few seconds trying not to let her feeling show.

Just then, Jorge steps in trying not to let his feelings show. They look up at him. "Inuyasha?" Sango looks at him with surprise. "She gets up. "Well, I'll meet you back with the others. Where getting ready to leave soon." She exits. 

Jorge steps over and sits beside her. He puts his hands together looking own at the ground. "Umm, Kagome?" He looks at her. His eyes beginning to tear. His face turns red as if, he was about ready to pass out. "yes?" Elizabeth looks at hem with worry. "This sounds serious. What's wrong?" Jorge hugs her with tears beginning to shed. "There's something I need to tell you."

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