chapter 3 Let the adventure begin

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"Umm guys?" Elizabeth looked left and right hoping for her friends to be around hiding safely. She got up and exit her bedroom that looked completely different from her own. It looked as if it was a bedroom meant for a person who loves Japanese stuff. 

Elizabeth looks around the kitchen to see it was different from her own. It had more cloths, fancy dishes, every time she saw writing, it was only in Japanese. "What is this place?" She thought as she slowly began to take her first steps outside to see the strange place she was in.

Then that thought suddenly left as she heard some one call out to her.


Elizabeth looks over to see a young boy wearing a blue collared shirt and a backpack. He looked as if he ran all the way home. Her eyes widen in surprise. "THIS IS SOTA FROM INUYASHA?!" She smiles with joy and reaches out her arms to him. "SOTA?!! ARE YOU FOR REAL?!" She hugs him to see if he was real. Sota looks at her with confused eyes. "Umm yea, you are too." He looks at her with worry. "Well I gotta fly." She waves to him. "Umm sure. See you later." 


Jorge pov

Jorge slowly begins to open up his eyes. "Aa rrrr, what happened?" He slowly looks back and forth to see a beautiful forest filled with japanese cherry blossom trees, green grass, and the sky was a beautiful blue. 

Jorge tries to move but it felt like some thing had stabbed him in the chest. He looks down to see an arrow in his chest. "Seriously?" He thought as he tried to reach over to pull it out of him but as he did, nothing happened. He begins to growl with anger. "ALL COME ON! CAN SOME ONE HELP ME PLEASE?!"


Elizabeth pov

Elizabeth began to wander around. She looked to see a WacDonalds, shopping centers, and restaurants. "That's strange. Sota acted as if he knew who I'am. NO WHAT?! THIS CAN'T BE?! I'M IN TOKYO?!"  That thought suddenly hears her head, as she herd a familiar voice.


Elizabeth looks over to see three girls running towards her. They were dressed in the same school uniforms as her, they had black hair, and brown shoes. Than she looks over to see a mirror store. She looks up at the Japanese writing. "I CAN'T READ THAT?! WAIT A MINUTE?! I CAN READ IN JAPANESE NOW?! IT SAYS MIRROR STORE!" Than as she steps forward holding a drink of water in her hands. Than all of a sudden, her eyes widen with so much shock. Her drink falls onto the ground. She felt as if she were in a dream and she began to feel numb. "This has to be a dream but it isn't. I know it isn't. I'M-I'M I'M KAGOME?!"

Yyumi comes forward. "Hey Kagome? Is something wrong?" Yuka steps in and puts her hand on Elizabeth's head with narrowed eyes. "Your not having a fever again are you?" Elizabeth quickly steps back putting her hands up. "Nope nothings wrong. Nothings wrong at all? Eheheheh. "Well I just hope playing this out will help."  Eri begins to step in whispering lifting her hand up to Ayumi and Yuka. "I think her boyfriend dumped her again?"  Yuka looks up at her with worry. "That must be tough. Awech." 

Elizabeth turns to look up at the sky to see the sun setting with worry on what she's gonna do. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS?!"  Yuka stares at her with worry."Do you think she's ok?" She begins to walk back and forth. "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN AND WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?! Well, I just hope where ever they are, their ok."

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