chapter 20 A Secret Reviled

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Elizabeth quickly turns to him. "Hey? Is that ok if we go back to my aura first? I need to see how my family's doing?" "Sure." Jorge gets up reaching his hand to her. Elizabeth grads his hand as he lifts her up onto his back. They head over to the well.


The sky was beginning to turn gray as Elizabeth and Jorge exit the well. They enter inside to see Sota playing video games. Elizabeth rolls her eyes with annoyance. "The same as always." She turns to Jorge. "Hey Inuyasha? I'm gonna take a shower. You can wait for me upstairs." She rushes upstairs.


A few hours have passed and Elizabeth finally enters her bedroom. She looks to see Jorge sleeping on her bed. "He's so cute when he's sleeping. I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about?"  She smiles to herself getting the blow trier for her hair.

After two hours have passed and Jorge slowly begins to way up. "Kagome?" He quickly gets up looking for her. He jumps out the window seeing her mother. "Hey? Have you seen Kagome anywhere?" Kagome's mother looks at him as she was trying to hang up her clothes to dry. "Oh yes. She's at school. She'll be back soon."


The school bell hangs as, the students were exiting the school. "Hey it least you manage to finish all your work this time." Ayumi said patting her on the back. "Yea, I guess your right?" Elizabeth sighs with relief. "Goodbye Kagome." Ayumi and the rest of her friends said waving their hands. "By." Elizabeth waves back.


Elizabeth turns around to see Jorge standing there feeling annoyed. What?" Elizabeth says looking at him clueless. "Well jeez, you could've told me you were heading to school." He crosses his arms looking away. Then he turns back to her. "Hey? could we go back to your house? There's something I need to tell you." Then Elizabeth turns back to hi smirking. "Alright and so do I." "Hop on." Jorge says crouching down. Elizabeth gets on quickly with a huge smile on her face. 

"Hey? What are you smiling about?" Jorge asked as, he continued running with her on his back. "Nothing." Elizabeth giggles.

They entered her bedroom. "Ok, your acting weird Kagome. You tell me yours first." Elizabeth turns to him giggling. "Ok. well..." Her eyes began to tear up as if, she saw someone dressed up as a taco. "Ok. Well the truth is." She start giggling more. "I'm not really thinking I'm Kagome. I knew I wasn't her the whole time. I was just trying to teach you a lesson." Her giggle turns into a laugh. She was laughing so had her face turned red and she put her hands on her knees, her eyes tear up as, she falls onto the ground continuing to laugh.

A few minutes have passed as, Jorge was sitting down on her bad crossing his arms beginning to not only feel annoyed but he also was getting very angry.  Just then, Elizabeth finally get's up sighing with joy wiping the tears off her face. "Ok so, what did you wanna tell me?"

Jorge looks down at the ground trying to hold back his angry but thinking of not only the time she had unfollowed him but now this. He put his hands together trying not to yell of make a fist but he suddenly felt like he couldn't hold it back any longer. "E-E-ELIZABETH?!" His eyes began to glow a bright yellow for e second. Elizabeth quickly jumps back in fear as if, she just saw a demon flying across her bedroom. She crotched down on the ground. "FIRST YOU UNFOLLOW ME, THEN YOU GET US STUCK IN WHAT EVER THIS SERIES IS CALLED AGAIN AND NOW THIS!"  Jorge makes a fist. Elizabeth looks up at him. "Jorge? I'm- I'm..." Jorge cuts her off ragging with anger as if, his best friend was now cheating on him. He narrows his eyes yelling with so much angry. "I  AWAYS THOUGHT YOU WERE A FRIEND I COULD TRUST BUT YOU LIED TO ME!" Elizabeth looks up with sadness as, her eyes began to water. "J-Jorge? That's not true at all. I'am your friend. I didn't mean..." Jorge cuts her off again still ragging with anger. "YOU A FRIEND?!" Jorge chuckles. "YOU WERE NEVER EVEN A FRIEND TO BEGIN WITH! YOUR NOTHING BUT A FAKE FRIEND AND IF WE EVER GET OU OF THIS, I'AM SO BLOCKING YOU! I'M GLAD I CHOSE MONICA OVER YOU! I DON'T CARE IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" He exits out the window with out even looking back at her. The look on his face was so cold.

Elizabeth gets up slowly beginning to cry. Hey eyes glow a bright brown for a second. She stands up making a fist beginning to cry along with anger at the same time. She narrows her eyes watching him leave. "FINE! I HATE YOU! YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!" She crawls onto her bed sobbing.  

Sadly, some of these mean hurtful words were true of what I said to her but not all of them. Thelittle-Rin? If you are reading this, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for being a bad friend. No, I don't see you as a girlfriend but you were like a sister to me.

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