chapter 12 Return to the present

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The sky turned a clear blue as the sun began to rise. The sound of children's laughter filled the air with teenagers playing games as Elizabeth stood there deep in thought. "Hmmmm, I wonder what Inuyasha is doing now?"  

Just then, that thought leaves her as soon as she heard footsteps coming up behind her. Elizabeth turns to see her three friends Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka. "HI KAGOME!" Elizabeth backs up startled. "AA! Oh hi." Eri smiles towards her and it suddenly fades. "Is something wrong Kagome?" Elizabeth smiles trying not to let her sadness show. "Oh it's nothing." She waves her hand hoping they wouldn't realize she was upset. 

Ayumi steps in with narrowed eyes. "OH I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" Elizabeth begins to sweat. "You do?" Ayumi points at her. "YOU WANNA SEE HOJO AND GO TO THE MOVIES WITH HIM BUT YOUR TO AFRAID TO ASK HIM BECAUSE YOU THINK HE WON'T GO!" Yuka steps in and begins to pull her. "COME ON KAGOME!"


Victoria's eyes widen with fear. "If she's been poisoned, then what are we going to do?" Miroku looks towards her as he slowly gets up. They both suddenly hear a voice from behind them. "You will have to and search for the demon named Doku. He lives underground not far from here. You will have to find him, if you wish to save Rin." Miroku turns to her. "Yes." He turns to Victoria and nods his head to her. 

Victoria stared at at the little girl who was her closest friend. The girl she fought along side with. The friend who was there beside her through thick and thin. They were both like sisters until one day, they had a huge argument. That thought suddenly leaves her once she felt someone pat her on the back. She looks to see it was the lexjuris monk Miroku. "Sango? Are you coming?" Victoria turns and sets her eyes on Rin. Her eyes bubbled in fear.

Just then Kaede steps in holding a herbs in her bowl. "Don't worry. I'll watch her."


Jorge was sitting a tree crossing his arms. Miroku and Victoria step in looking up at him. "Well?" Jorge turns to him and raised a brow. "WHAT?! I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING!" He leaps down from the tree. Miroku hits him with a staff. "GO AND APOLOGIZE TO KAGOME AND GET THIS OVER WITH!"

"AAAA!" They sound of the voice sounded to squeaky to be Inuyasha's. They both looked down to see it was only little Trevor. "Shippo?" Victoria sighs. Miroku begins to feel annoyed. He closes his eyes nodding his head. "I should've known." Trevor laying down on the ground kicking and laughing at the same time. "HAHA! I GOT YOU BOTH! YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACES!" Miroku turns to Victoria. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" They both turned to Trevor with smirks on their faces.

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Trevor slowly begins to stop laughing and looks up at them and he begins to worry. "AA! Why are you looking at he like that?" He slowly back up as they began to step closer towards him.

A few seconds later. 


Trevor was tide to a tree. "HEY! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE!"


Jorge sat in the grass looking up at the sky. "I wonder what your doing now Elizabeth?" That thought suddenly leaves his head as he felt someone stomp on his stomach. "STOP BEING SO INSENSITIVE AND GO AND APOLOGIZE TO KAGOME!" Jorge looks to see it's was Miroku and Victoria. "I'M NOT APOLOGIZING!" Jorge immediately jumps to his feet with narrowed eyes. "Inuyasha? Sango and I are going to go and find a demon named Doku." Jorge smirks with destined eyes. "Good, I'll come too. In the mean time, you can go and apologize to Kagome and sort things out." Jorge's smirks turns upside down. "WHAT?! HEY?!" Jorge make a fist but before he could say more, they were already walking away. "I NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG TO HER SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT!"

Jorge grunts and hops into the well. "Stupid Elizabeth. Why is that every time she leaves, I always get the bland for it."


"I would love to go to the movies with you."

Elizabeth looks towards him with worry. "Are you sure? Of course." Hojo smiles towards her and they begin to get in line. Just then Elizabeth looks over to see someone peaking at them. It was Jorge. "AA! WHAT'S INUYASHA DOING HERE?!"

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