chapter 23 An Apology

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"But we wanna stay and fight too." Trevor and Emma said. "NO BUTS!" Miroku said leading the two children outside to safety. Jaken steps in. "THIS IS NO PLACE FOR LITTLE CHILDREN LIKE YOU TWO!" Miroku turns to him. "Good because you'll be staying with them." Jaken's head pops up with shock. "WHAT?!" He tried to yell at him but before he could, he turns around to see Miroku was already gone. "DRAT!"


"YOU GO FIND KAGOME! WE'LL HANDLE THIS!" Victoria says with courage. "RIGHT!" Jorge said trying to let his character get the best of him. "KAGOME?! KAGOMEEEE?!" Jorge cried as, he jumped down the hole. 

"I'm over here." Jorge looks over to see a shadow shaped hand waving back and forth. Jorge immediately rushes over to his friend Elizabeth standing inside a sell. She looked as if, this was the worst thing that has ever happened to her. "You have to get the keys." She points at the keys on the hook by the door. "Their over there." Jorge immediately rushes over to the keys and grabs them. "Don't worry Elizabeth. I'm gonna get us out of here." He holds up the keys. 


"HA!" Naraku began releasing his miasma everywhere. IT'S MIASMA! DON'T BREATH IT IN!" Miroku said covering his mouth with his sleeve. Victoria puts on her gas mask. "KITOKOSU!" Victoria cried throwing her Kitokosu at them. "AA!" Nura dodgers it narrowing her eyes and grinding her teeth.

Kagura flies in. "DANCE OF BLADES!" "RRRRRRROW!" Kirara flies back falling onto the ground. "KIRARA?!" Victoria cries rushing to her side checking her wounds. Miroku jumps in. "Alright you two. STAND BACK!" He takes off his beads and lowers his sleeve. He opens up his hand. "WIND TONNAL!"

Just then, Naraku, Nura, Kagura, and Kanna tried to stand back and Miroku began to feel like something was stabbing his body. It was as if, he was being stung. "Gotta keep going." He forced himself to keep going but before he could go on any longer, he heard a voice. "MIROKU YOU IDIOT! DON'T PUSH YOURSELF LIKE THAT!" He stopped as blood suddenly came out of his eyes and mouth. He looked to see his friend Inuyasha and Kagome rushing up to him.

"MIROKU?! YOU NEED ST STOP PUSHING YOUSELF LIKE THAT OR YOU'LL END UP DYING!" Elizabeth said raising up her two fists looking at him with worry.  "NARAKU?!"Jorge steps in taking out his sword. "It's time I take you out." MIroku looks at him with his eyes widen. "INUYASHA?! DON'T!" Ignoring his friend, Jorge takes the stand. "WIND SCAR!" 

Just then, his Wind Scar came rusahing towards Naraku and his family but before it could hit them, Kanna steps in holding her mirror causing the Wind Scar to back fire at him. "LOOK OUT!" Miroku cries pushing Elizabeth into one of the rooms of the castle. "AA!" Victoria dodges it along with her companion Kirara covering their faces. 

Naraku looks around the room. "Well, it was nice seeing you powerless Inuyasha but it looks like we'll be on our way." Naraku slowly begins to exit along with his family.

Jorge get's up. "Is everyone ok?" He suddenly hears rocks falling as Naraku's castle starts disappearing. He looks to see Victoia, Kirara, and Miroku raising up from the rocks. "Yea, I think so." Miroku says brushing off the dusk. Victoria looks back and forth with worry. "Hey? Where's Kagome?"

Just then, they hear a cry. They all immediately rush over to see Trevor crying at the poor young helpless woman laying there dead. Jorge slowly steps over trying not to let it show. He slowly picks her up. "E-Elizabeth?" Elizabeth suddenly awakens slowly looking up at him with confusion. "Elizabeth?" Who's Elizabeth?" She asked with curiosity. Jorge felt his heart sank, seeing her eyes were no longer hazel. They were straight up brown colored eyes. He felt as if, his life was over now.

Victoria rushes up to Emma. "Emma? Are you ok?" Emma looks at her confused. "Who's Emma?" Victoria felt her heart sank beginning to breath hard sucking up air. "Oh, your kidding right?" Emma looks at her with worry. "Sango? Are you ok?" Victoria quickly hugs her beginning to cry.

Trevor looked down at the ground with sadness. "Elizabeth? No." Jorge hugs her tightly. "Kagome? Your ok?" Trevor jumps on top of her with a smile on his face. Seeing his eyes turned green, Jorge turns back to Elizabeth beginning to feel as if, he had no one to talk to. Then he grabs his Elizabeth hugging. "Elizabeth? I-I've haven't been a very good friend lately. You see." He looks down at the ground with tears beginning to fall from his face. "Inuyasha? Are you ok?" Elizabeth asks, seeing him like this. "When we first met and I didn't have that many friends, you were my first ever friend I've met. You brought me to life, when I didn't know what to do.  Whenever I was sad, you were there and whenever I was happy, you were still there for me to talk to. I never had a good friend like you. You make me happy.  I'm proud to be your friend. You are like a sister to me but one day, you unfollowed me and I shut you out when I shouldn't have and I'm sorry for blocking and replacing you." He pulls her towards him with tears running down his face.

Just then, Jorge know is something glowing in the corner of his eyes. He looked up to see a human shaped figure flying right before him. Miroku and the others looked up at it with confusion. "What's that?" Trevor asked holding a lollipop. "It looks like a star." Victoria said lowering her Kitokosu. Her eyes were now a beautiful brown. She suddenly feels someone touch her behind. "AA!" Her eyes widen with shock. She drops her Kitokosu on the ground. She turns around slapping Miroku a cross the face. "CAN'T YOU GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER FOR ONCE?!" Miroku falls onto the ground laughing.

They looked to see if was someone with a black cape, gray hair, black boots, and a staff. It was none other than that same creepy old lady they have met before. "You have done well but still things aren't quite finished." She smirks at Elizabeth. 

"Kagome? Do your thing." Elizabeth gets up. "Right." She rushes over seeing Naraku along with his family. "NARAKU?!" Naraku turns around and his eyes widen with surprise. Elizabeth takes out her arrow and shoots it straight at Naraku. "Ha, ha, if you do that, it will only end up back firing at you just like it did do your precious Inuyasha." He chuckles. Kanna stood there holding out her mirror as, the arrow headed straight for them. Then suddenly, their eyes widen with shock as, the arrow went right passes Kanna's barrier striking them out. 

"DAMN YOU!" Naraku says flying back with them. He narrowed his eyes retreating. Then suddenly, they saw a long white haired man come flying out of him stabbing him in the chest. Emma and Jaken pop up with excitement. "LORD SESSHOMARU?!" They jump for joy. "THIS ISN'T OVER!" Naraku and the others disappear.

The creepy old lady smiles with joy turning towards Jorge. "Well, looks like our work here is done." Jorge jumps in. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! HEY?! COME BACK HERE!" She disappears and suddenly, they look to see a beautiful bright light shinning all around them as if, they died and are now going to never world. It was all so beautiful and bright. It was like nothing  they have ever seen before.

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