chapter 24 Home

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The magic swirled around them suddenly fading. They looked at their hands back and forth. "HEY?! WH'RE BACK!" Jorge looks back and forth with relief. Victoria picks up her things. "Your right." She smiles. 

They felt relieved until, they suddenly hear a voice. "Umm? What happened?" They turned to see Elizabeth rubbing her eyes. "ELIZABETH?!" They rush over to her with a welcoming hug. Elizabeth looks at them with worry. "Umm? Are you two both ok?" Jorge looks at her with confusion. "So you don't remember." 

That moment ended, when they heard another voice. "HEEEY?! IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?! I NEED HELP!" They turned around to see their friend Trevor was upside down in the trash can. "TREVOR?!" They pulled him out with relief. "You made it back too." "Yep. No crazy fantasy land can stop me. I'm just glad I don't have to be a puny fox anymore." Trevor giggles. "Well, that was a pretty crazy ride. Right?" Jorge asks giggling. "You said it." They rest of his friends answered. Then they suddenly see a man step in. "Hey? What are you kids doing here? The festival is over." He steps in narrowing his eyes. "You all better get back to where your families are." The man said pointing outside of the booth. "Sorry." Jorge and his friends said exiting the booth.


They were walking down the side walk with wonder. "Victoria turns to them. "Wait? Where's Emma?" Then that moment suddenly ends, when they look over to see Emma getting out of the car with her mother. "Emma?" Victoria said walking up to her with a hug. "Emma? I'm sorry." Victoria said hugging her with sorrow. "It's ok. It wasn't your fault. If I would've seen who I was unfollowing, then this would've never happened." Emma replies hugging her back. Victoria stops hugging her. "Well, I better get back home now." Victoria exits but before she could, she heard her voice. "And Victoria?" Victoria turns around. "Your my best friend." Emma says with a smile on her face.

Trevor turns to them. "Goodbye." He waves fast walking towards his house. "Goodbye." Jorge and Elizabeth wave back. "Cya later." Victoria waves. "Cya." Elizabeth says walking home with Jorge. 

Jorge and Elizabeth finally enter her house to see there was nothing inside. "Hello?" Elizabeth looks around with worry. Jorge steps in with worry. "What's wrong?" Elizabeth was just about to tell him but before she could, they heard a voice. "Oh? did you used to live here?" They turns to see a young woman coming down the stairs. She was wearing fancy clothes, black shoos and she had brown hair and eyes. "Umm? Yes. Where's my mother and father?" Elizabeth asked with worry. "I believe they moved over in that direction." The lady points toward the neighborhood near the bridge with the train tracks on it. 


Jorge and Elizabeth kept on walking. "Hey? Elizabeth?" Jorge turns towards her. "Yes?" Elizabeth replies. "Do you forgive me?" Elizabeth turns to him looking right into his eyes. "What are you talking about? Of course I do. Your my friend and when mistakes happened, sometimes the best thing to do is admit your sorry." She hugs him. 

Jorge smiles at her with pride. "Hey Elizabeth? I'm glad we're friends. "Me too." They were having a good time until, that happy moment soon ended when they turned to see Monica standing there with furry. "Hey? Just what do you think your doing with my boyfriend?" She turns to Jorge. "Jorge tell her to leave? Do something." Monica says dropping her bag onto the ground with anger. Jorge looks at her narrowing his eyes but forced himself to stay calm. "Monica? Your a nice girl and all but I don't see you that way. I love Elizabeth more and if you can't deal with that, then can leave." Jorge says holding Elizabeth closer to him. "HU!" Monica says throwing her bag onto the ground. She picks it up and exits with jealousy.

They were just about to continue their walking again but before they could, they suddenly hear someone call out their names. "HU! ELIZABETH?!" They both turned to see it was Elizabeth's parents rushing up towards her with joy. They hugged her tiers running down their faces. "Oh, Elizabeth? We missed you. Where have you been?" The parents look at her waiting for a response. Elizabeth smirks with a blush. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Jorge joins in hugging her. "Elizabeth?" Yes?" I love you." "I love you too." Jorge throws the Golden Inuyasha DVD set into the river.

The Golden Inuyasha DVD set washed down the river making the sound of the Inuyasha lullaby song as, it continued to be washed down the river. Then, it was suddenly picked up by a mysterious person. 

Pop quiz? Why did Jorge throw the Golden Inuyasha DVD set down the river? Who do you think took it out of the river?

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