chapter 16 Dogs vs Cats

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"DAMN!" Jorge said as he backs up feeling helpless. It was as if a normal cat had defeated a dog. He has never lost to a cat before and he couldn't afford to loose against one. What is he going to do now?

"This is going to be fun." Nako steps in with her staff with dark magic coming out striking him to the ground. "I'm going to enjoy hanging up your head as a trophy." She strikes him again with dark magic coming out of her staff.

"AA!" Jorge falls to the ground. "DAMN YOU!" 


The flowers blossomed as the wind blew. The beautiful sun shined down as the grass waved back and worth.

"Here you go Kirara." Kohaku said giving her four yellow flowers. "Meow." Kirara steps forward rubbing her head against his legs. Suddenly that special moment broke off when they heard a loud thump coming towards them.

They looked up to see a large demon dog stomping towards them. It was brown with floppy ears, large teeth with fangs, red eyes, a sharp spiky collar, and was growling with anger.

"COME ON KIRARA?!" Kohaku cried as he look out his Kusarigama. Flying up towards the demon with courage. Kohaku struck the dog causing it to yelp with pain. "RAAAAAAOR!" Kirara joins in transforming into her bigger form, biting the dog on it's back. The dog began to struggle around quickly, trying to get her off.

Victoria looks over there with worry. "I have to help him."  She was just about to jump in, until she was stopped by Miroku and Trevor. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WE HAVE TO HELP..." She was cut off by Miroku.  "We can't. This is his and Kirara's fight." Victoria shrugs. She felt like helping him. Seeing him and Kirara fight off that dog is terrifying. Sitting here would make her feel helpless.


"THAT'S IT! YOUR GONNA REGRET EVER TAKING ME ON!" Jorge puts down his sword and flies towards her with his claws lashed out. "IRON REAVER SOUL SLAELER!" He was just about to strike her but as he did, Nako dogged it. She leaped into the air giggling.

Nako took out her staff striking him with her dark magic causing him to fall to the ground. Blood splattered around him as he layed there wounded. "INUYASHA?!" Elizabeth cried as she rushed towards him. Her eyes widen with fear. She lifted his head. "Inuyasha? Are you ok?" 


The wind blew around as the dog struggled side to side. Kirara continued to hold on tight. Kohaku jumped up towards the dog striking it in one of the eyes. The demon dog yelped in pain. It suddenly swung to a tree harming Kirara making her fall.

Kohaku turns to Kirara. "Stay here Kirara. I'll handle the rest." The demon dog flew towards him flew away trying to escape but before it could get the chance to, it suddenly felt something shard on it's back and it yelped beginning to fall to the ground. Kohaku had struck it in it's back with his Kusarigama. He pulled it back towards him catching it.

He turned back towards Kirara. Seeing the injured demon kitty in pain. He steps closer towards it. "Kirara? Are you ok?" Kohaku asked as she transformed into her smaller self meowing with pain. 

Kohaku raps her injured leg. "There you go Kirara." Kohaku smiled at her.


"OH I'AM GONNING TO ENJOY THIS!" Nako steps closer looking down at the helpless school girl and the poor helpless injured dog demon laying down in a pool of blood. The smirks at them. "Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Goodbye Inuyasha." She was just about to finish him off but before she could get the chance to, she hears a loud sound of hungry howling wolves coming towards them.

Nako looks over to see the hungry pack of wolves standing at the entrance. They were growling with hunger looking towards her. Nako steps back feeling nervous. "AA! There's more of you?" Her eyes widen with fear. The wolves step in and suddenly someone came flying in swiping Kagome. 

Elizabeth looks up to see it was a young handsome wolf demon  with pointy ears, he worn fur and brown cloths, he had black hair, and blue eyes. "K-Koga?" Koga sets her down. "Stay here Kagome. I won't leave that mutt behind." He quickly rushes in there to safe the half blooded demon mutt.

Koga looks to see the half blooded demon mutt laying there wound with pain. Then he hears giggling from behind. "Your cute but not as cute as that half demon dog named Inuyasha." "GRR!" He strikes her but she vanished. "GRRRR! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" He strikes her with his claws causing her to fall to the ground in pain. "RAAAAAAAOR! NOOOOOO! DAMN YOU! I WANTED INUYASHA! I WANTED INUYASHA!"  Nako argued moving around in pain. "WELL TO BAD!" Koga strikes her with his claws again. The demon cat's body vanishes away along with her cat staff. Then the powers exited her vanishing staff and entered back into his Tessaiga.


"Well I should be on my way now. Siya later Kirara and watch over my sister for me." Kohaku asks and exits. Kirara sits there watching him leave. 

Victoria stood there behind a tree feeling as if, it was hard to breath. Why was she feeling this way towards that boy. I was like loosing Emma all over again. "I hope he and Emma will be ok."


Koga brings out Jorge. The half blooded demon dog was wound as if, he had a disagreement with three badger demons.

Elizabeth layed down a small purple blanket for him to lay on. Deep within Jorge's thoghts. He began to think. "Oh Elizabeth? I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't continue to put you threw this pain any longer. It's time I tell you before our friends and I loose our selves too. It's time I tell you, I'm sorry." He slowly looks up at the crying teen age girl beginning to feel pain for her.

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