chapter 4 An Idea

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The trees began to blow back and forth as the wind blew the leaves around. Elizabeth and her friends were walking outside holding all kinds of items. They had jewelry, cloths, and perfume. Ayumi turns to her with joy. "Wasn't that fun Kagome?" Umm Kagome?" She begins to look at her with worry. "Is something wrong Kagome? You've been oddly quiet." Eri puts her hand onto Elizabeth's shoulder.

Elizabeth kept on walking until somebody stepped right in her path. She looks up to see Yuka blocking her with anger. "I think I know what it is." Elizabeth backs up with worry beginning to shake in fear. "Ummm Y-you do? Please don't let them know the truth."  She holds her own hands hoping they wouldn't realize the truth.  Yuka steps closer pointing her finger at her. "YOU HAD ANOTHER FIGHT WITH YOUR BOYFRIEND AGAIN DIDN'T YOU?!"
"AAH!" Elizabeth falls onto the ground feeling surprised. "Really? I forget how these three act half the time." 

Elizabeth slowly gets up and turns to them. "Ok well I gotta fly now, bye." Her friends look at her with concern. "Umm ok goodbye Kagome."

Elizabeth steps back to the house where Kagome lives. "Well this is gonna feel awkward. I'm gonna go into some one's home but technically I'm not Elizabeth anymore. Well, here I go." She steps in to see Sota running up stairs to play video games. Then her head suddenly pops up and her eyes widen. "Wait a minute? If my friends are not here, than maybe there on the other side of the well where I should go."    

Elizabeth opens the wooden door to see the old abandon well. It was coated with dust and dirt. She looks at it with disgust. "I can't believe Kagome has the guts to do this all the time." She jumps in as she hoped it would work without the jewel shards.

Elizabeth looks around to see beautiful colors of purple, blue, and pink. Her eyes widen with joy. "These colors are so beautiful. It reminds me of the Northern Lights." Just then, the colors began to fade away and turned black. She found herself still inside of the well. "Well, lets see if it worked or not." She slowly crawls out of the well to see a small village and a forest.

Elizabeth slowly wonders around to see people working. Than she suddenly looked over at the sacred tree to see a half dog demon sitting down on the grass next to it. He looked as if he was just as confused as she is. He had dog ears and he was wearing a red robe. She quickly steps back and her eyes widen with shock. "IT-IT-IT CAN'T BE?! I KNOW WHO THAT IS! IT-S INUYASHA!"

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