chapter 7 Reunited

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The sun was shinning brightly in the sky and the wind was blowing as Jorge was running through the forest with Elizabeth on his back. "I SENTENCE IT!" Elizabeth yelled as she pointed right in front of them.

They were running until they stopped.


Victoria slowly got up as Kirara purred and meowed laying on her belly. "rr, where am I?" She looked over to see some kind of weapon shaped like a boomerang. "That must be the weapon I saw on TV when I was watching the series with everyone.

Victoria slowly stepped outside with Kirara following her transforming into her bigger form. She looked to see the strange handsome young man was gone. She was just about to make her exit but before she could, she felt some one rub her on the back side. "She immediately freaks out standing still with a shock. The sky shown a bright blue with only a few clouds as she quickly turns around slapping him across the face.

Victoria looks to see it was only the strange handsome monk she saw. It was Miroku. He giggled resting his hand on his forehead.


Jorge, Elizabeth, and Trevor looked up to see a giant bear demon roaring at the with rage. It's mouth dripping out droll, it's teeth sharp, it's eyes glowing red, and it had a rock shape body.

Jorge narrows his eyes with bravery taking out his sword. "KAGOME?! STAY BACK! I'LL HANDLE THIS!" He jumps up with a swinging at the demon bear but as he did, nothing happened. Jorge steps back in surprise. "Huh? Nothing happened." He begins to feel frustrated. 

Just then, Elizabeth begins to sentence it again. She looks up at the demon bear's forehead to see  a small shinny diamond shaped object on the it's forehead. "IT'S THERE! I SEE THE JEW SHARD!"  Jorge looks up. "Well, it looks like you messed with the wrong people." He was just about the strike at him again but before he could, he felt some one tug him on his arm. He turns to see Elizabeth. "Let me try to purify it with my arrow." She takes out her bow and slowly aims it at the demon bear but before she could shoot it, the bear swung one of his claws at her causing her to fall onto the ground injured. 

"AA! KAGOME!" Trevor yelled rushing up to her to see if she was ok.

The demon bear came ragging in stumping with anger. "KAGOME!" Jorge yells rushing up to her with worry. He came charging at the demon bear but before he could, he herd some one yell out. "HIRAIKOTSU!" A boomerang came flying hitting it on the head. 

They all looked up to see a large demon cat with fire on her paws flying in the sky with two people on her back. It was Miroku, Sango, and Kirara.

"MIROKU!" Sango yelled out as Miroku jumped off Kirara. "DON'T WORRY! I CAN TAKE IT FROM HERE!" He charged toward the demon bear throwing magic cards at it causing the demon bear to cry in pain. "I'll use my wind tunnel." He was about ready to use it until, the demon bear cowered away with the jew shard falling off of it's head.

Jorge looks toward them recognizing one of their scents. He turns to the demon slayer looking woman. "Hey? Your Victoria, aren't you?" He whispered as he was surprised to see she was the demon slayer girl of the series. Victoria steps back with surprised eyes. "Huh? How did you know?" Because I'm the dog demon. I can scents things." Victoria leans in. "Is everyone ok?" Jorge sighs looking down. "Yes but not Elizabeth. If we stay here for to long, we will loose our memories and we'll be trapped here forever." Victoria's eyes widen with fear as her smiles slowly fades away. "What? How?" "Jorge looks down at the ground. "I-I-I don't  know but I know a witch did this to us on the night we first watched the series." Victoria rests her head on her fist. "Ok. Then how do we get out of this?"

They were cut off in their conversation. "I think the question is how did we get into this?" They both turned to see Trevor standing there with his arms crossed. Jorge begins to feel anger and hits Trevor on the head." "AWE! INUYASHA?! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Jorge crosses his arms feeling annoyed. "Well maybe you'll think better next time before you speak. He suddenly feels like some one was flaming with anger behind him.

Jorge slowly turns over to see Elizabeth glaring at him. "AA!" He quickly jumps up on a tree feeling scared. "RRRR! SIT! AA!" He falls of the tree. Elizabeth crosses her arms with her eyes narrowed. "I WAS HURT AND YOU DID NOTHING ABOUT IT!" Just then, she suddenly begins to feel dizzy and faints onto the ground.

"KAGOME!" Jorge leaps in picking her up and caring her. He picks up the jew shard and puts it into the bottle.


They were all sitting down surrounding Elizabeth hoping she'll be ok. Kaede steps in holding a cloth. "Don't worry. She'll be fine." She gently places the cloth oh her forehead and exits. 

One hour later 

Jorge was sitting down crossing his arms eating a pair until, he herd her voice. "Umm In-In-u-yasha?" Joege looks down at her with surprise. "Hey? Kagome? Are you alright?" Elizabeth looks up at him slowly blinking her eyes smiling in relieve. "Yea, I'm fine." 

Then Miroku, Victoria, and Trevor began to hear beautiful music.

This s the soundtrack they were hearing. You don't have to listen to it. This is just the Inuyasha soundtrack. 

Victoria turns to Trevor. "Hey isn't that the same Inuyasha soundtrack we heard when watching is? Trevor smiles looking at them and closes his eyes for a second. "Yep." Victoria stares at them. "This must be for one of the Inuyasha and Kagome moments."

Elizabeth slowly begins to open her eyes and turns to Jorge. "In-Inuyasha?" Jorge looks at her with worry. "I hope she's not going to make me apologize. I'll never hear the end of it.  She smiles at him. "Will you stay with me?" Jorge's eyes widen with surprise. "Umm, sure. She asked me to stay. She's not going to make me apologize or even make me do something in return for her. It might not be so bad here after all."

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