chapter 21 Fading Away

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Elizabeth slowly get's up out of bed getting her bag and exits her house. Jorge was getting into the well until, he know is her leaving. "Ohhhh? I-I messed up again. Please don't go Elizabeth." Jorge says to himself watching her feeling his heart sank as, he watched her enter the train.  

The wind began to blow as, the sky was turning dark. Jorge saw her a bored the train and suddenly, the train started moving. "D-Don't go." Jorge says as, a tear fell from his eyes. 

Elizabeth looked down at the photo of her an Jorge in it. "Who's that?" Someone asked smiling. "Oh, It's just someone I know." Elizabeth says trying not to let her hurt show.

Jorge looked around him seeing cupules walking around him. He frowns entering the well. "Elizabeth? I'm sorry I ever got into that fight with you and after all the horrible thing I said to you. If only I would've kept my cool. None of this would've happened and you still would've been here by my side."


The wind blew the trees as the clouds moved in getting dark. "Where is he?" Trevor asked laying down eating dried food. "I don't know but I do believe he and Kagome are fighting once again." Victoria sits down.

Victoria rests her head on her hand with Kirara by her side sleeping. Victoria was watching the trees wave back and forth until, she felt something warm touch her behind.  "AA!" She immediately jumps up shaking with shock and turns around. Her eyes suddenly glow brown for a few seconds. She slaps Miroku across the face. "PERVURT!" Miroku falls onto the ground feeling the hand mark on his face. "Ha ha." 

Trevor looks towards them rolling his eyes and finishing his food. His eyes suddenly glow a lime green for a second. "Here we go again."

They were all Pickering but before they could do anymore, they hear a soft voice. "Oh no. Your starting to loose yourselves." They turned to see the little girl Emma standing there. Victoria looks at her confused. "Huh? What are you talking about?" Emma steps in with worry. Her eyes watering with tears of fear as, she was beginning to shake as if, she saw a ghost. "I-I-I saw you acting as if, you were really Sango and he was really Shippo. Emma hugs her. " I can't see my family anymore. I-I don't wanna loose you too. Her eyes tear up and she tries to wipe the tears off her face.

That moment of sorrow soon ended when, they heard a familiar voice from behind them. "Hey? What did I miss?" They all turned to see Jorge standing there frowning as if, he felt sorry for them. 

Victoria get's up looking around. "Hey? Where's Kagome?" Jorge turns away beginning to feel as if, he didn't want to exist anymore. Trevor looks towards them with worry putting his hand over his head. "Oh brother. They must have been arguing again." Miroku closes his eyes for a second resting his staff on his shoulder. "I wouldn't be surprised." Victoria leans in narrowing her eyes. "Jorge? What happened?" 


The train stops and Elizabeth exists the train. "WOW! That was fun. I finally got to do all the things I wanted to do when, I enter Japan." Elizabeth closes her eyes for for a few seconds with pride. "I just hope I get to do all of that again." she looks down at the ground sighing. "Maybe I was to hard on him. Wait? Him? What was his name again? Inuyasha? No. OH MY GOSH!" Her eyes widen with fear and she posed. "I-I'm loosing her memory. I'M STARTING TO THINK I'M KAGOME! Well, I guess that explain me shopping with my friends or Kagome's. Well, I better go do that right thing before it's to late." She rushes over to the well. 

Elizabeth was just about to enter but before she could, she hears a voice. "KAGOME?! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" She looks to see Kagome's mother and grandfather. "Oh? Sorry. This time, I'll be back tonight to have dinner with you. By." She quickly jumps into the well destined to find her friend.


"Inuyasha? Inuyasha?" Elizabeth says as, she was crowing out of the well. Then she suddenly hears a strange voice. "Kagome? Over here." Elizabeth steps closer towards the bushes. "Inuyasha? Are you ok?" She lifts a brow leaning in closer. 


They were all waiting for for Jorge to replay. "Well, it was all my..." They sat there waiting for him to finish his sentence but before they could get the chance to, they hear a scream. 


Their eyes widen with fear getting into their fighting positions. 


Pop quiz. Let's test your knowledge. Why is Elizabeth now calling Jorge Inuyasha? Also why did their eyes glow for a second?

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